The ageing of Europe, also known as the greying of Europe, is a demographic phenomenon in Europe characterised by a decrease in fertility, a decrease in mortality rate, and a higher life expectancy among European populations. Low birth rates and higher life expectancy contribute to the transformation of Europe's population pyramid shape. The most significant change is the transition towards a much older population structure, resulting in a decrease in the proportion of the working age while the number of the retired population increases. The total number of the older population is projected to increase greatly within the coming decades, with rising proportions of the post-war baby-boom generations reaching retirement. This will cause a high burden on the working age population as they provide for the increasing number of the older population.

65 -80 years old and over % of total population (2017)

Source: Eurostat

  1. Italy: 22.3%
  2. Greece: 21.5%
  3. Germany: 21.2%
  4. Portugal: 21.1%
  5. Finland: 20.9%
  6. Bulgaria: 20.7%
  7. Latvia: 19.9%
  8. Sweden: 19.8%
  9. Croatia: 19.6%
  10. Estonia: 19.3%
  11. Lithuania: 19.3%
  12. France: 19.2%
  13. Denmark: 19.1%
  14. Spain: 19.0%
  15. Slovenia: 18.9%
  16. Czech Republic: 18.8%
  17. Malta: 18.8%
  18. Hungary: 18.7 %
  19. Belgium 18.5%
  20. Netherlands: 18.5%
  21. Austria: 18.5%
  22. UK: 18.1%
  23. Romania: 17.8%
  24. Poland: 16.5%
  25. Cyprus: 15.6%
  26. Slovakia: 15.0%
  27. Luxembourg: 14.2%
  28. Ireland: 13.5%

Projection 65 -80 years old and over % of total population (2030)

  1. Italy: 36.3%
  2. Greece: 36.2%
  3. Portugal: 35.5%
  4. Lithuania: 34.2%
  5. Germany: 33.7%
  6. Finland: 33.4%
  7. Spain: 32.7%
  8. Latvia: 32.5%
  9. Malta: 32.3%
  10. Slovenia: 32.1%
  11. Bulgaria: 31.7%
  12. France: 31.3%
  13. Croatia: 31.2%
  14. Netherlands: 30.5%
  15. Estonia: 30.0%
  16. Czech Rep: 29.4%
  17. Poland: 29.3%
  18. Austria: 29.2%
  19. Denmark: 29.0%
  20. Belgium: 28.7%
  21. Sweden: 28.5%
  22. Hungary: 28.4%
  23. United Kingdom: 27.9%
  24. Romania: 27.8%
  25. Slovakia: 26.2%
  26. Cyprus: 26.0%
  27. Ireland: 23.3%
  28. Luxembourg: 22.3%

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