Conservative Main Pledges (330 seats 51%)

  • Hold an 'in-out' referendum on Britain's regotiated EU membership by 2017
  • Protect the UK economy from further integration of the Eurozone. Expand the Single Market
  • Scrap Human Rights Act and replace with a British Bill of Rights
  • Resist EU attempts to restrict legitimate financial services activities.

Labour Main Pledges (232 seats 36%)

  • Legislate for a 'lmock' that guarantees no transfer of power from Britain to the EU without an in/out referendum.
  • Return Britain to a leadership role in a reformed Europe
  • Reform the Common Agricultural Policy
  • Secure reforms to immigration and welfare rules.

Lib Dems Main Pledges (8 seats ¨1%)

  •  Remain in the EU, opening new markets for British businesses
  • Hold an in/out referendum if there is a plan for material transfer of sovereignty from the UK
  • Work with the EU to tackle organized crime
  • Fight for an agreement to halve EU greenhoue gas emissions by 2030.

UKIP Main Pledges (1 seat 1%)

  • Leave the EU following a referendum 'out' vote
  • All legislative powers to rest with Westminster
  • Negotiate a new trade agreement with the EU.

Green Main Pledges

  • Hold a referendum on the uK's membership of the EU
  • Reform EU to hand power back to local communities
  • Support freedom of movement as one of the founding principles of the EU
  • Keep the social and environmental standards set by the EU.

Respect Main Pledges

  • Hold an in-out referendum on Europe during the next Parliament
  • Campaign to remain in the EU
  • Campaign for more accountability and democracy within structure of the EU
  • Promote the cultural, social and economic commonality of European citizens.

DUP Main Pledges

  • Northern Ireland's priorities promoted in Europe
  • A renegotiation of the UK's role in Europe with early referendum on EU

SNP Main Pledges (56 seats 9%)

  • Opposes a referendum on membership of the EU
  • Unless England, Scotland,Wales and NI each vote to leave the EU, the UK would remain a member
  • Deliver a simplified Common Agricultural Policy.
  • Greater role for devolved administrations in the Council of Ministers.

Sinn Fein Main Pledges

  • Sinn Féin's approach to the European Union is one of critical engagement
  • Believes that Ireland has benefited greatly from EU membership, through funding and support for peace and political processes
  • If Britain presses ahead with in-out referendum on EU membership, Sinn Féin wants separate referendum in North.

Plaid Cymru Main Pledges

  • Campaign to sat in EU in event of referendum on continued membership
  • Any referendum to leave should be agreed by voters in all four UK nations
  • Ensure more effective use of European regional and social funding for Wales.
  • Oppose the EU-US free trade deal TTIP.

SDLP Main Pledges

  • The SDLP is a proud European party and has always been the most pro-European voice in Northern politics.
  • The SDLP recognizes the importance of the Eu for trade, cross-border cooperation, research and development.
  • Believes the EU political system can work effectively, as well as respecting national interests.
  • Believes change can be made through working together.

Alliance Main Pledges

  • Support continued EU membership and oppose membership referendum
  • Support access to large Single Market for NI businesses and ensure best use made of EU funding
  • Ensure Europe-wide approach to reducing pollution and environmental degradation
  • Solidify links so that the EU can ensure simple and effective cross-border action on crime.

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