The EC will

  1. through our new Global Gateway strategy, which will be closely coordinated with the Build Back Better World (B3W)
  2. strengthen the European Union’s efforts to build connectivity partnerships that promote digital and green trusted connectivity with partners across the globe.
  3. present a new EU-NATO Joint Declaration and seek to accelerate work on a genuine European Defence Union.
  4. prepare a defence package which will include a roadmap on security and defence technologies for boosting research, technology development and innovation and reducing the EU’s strategic dependencies in critical technologies and value chains in the security and defence sectors. We will put forward a number of new initiatives while also focusing on the implementation of earlier actions.
  5. propose a reinforced blocking statute Regulation to better protect EU operators, whether individuals or companies, by further deterring and counteracting the extra-territorial application of sanctions by third countries.
  6. pursue the global energy transition, as well as promoting security of supply, clean technologies and open markets.
  7. consider new opportunities in deploying a clean energy system, and promoting energy efficiency and safe and sustainable technologies while gradually moving away from fossil fuel use towards green energy solutions and promoting a just transition.
  8. revamp the 2016 International Ocean Governance Agenda by tabling a Joint Communication setting out an action plan on international ocean governance, addressing key threats such as pollution, climate change impacts and biodiversity loss.
  9. present a Joint Communication setting out a strategic partnership with the Gulf.



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