AALEP has decided to make sweeping changes in the way it operates in order to reach a more robust web presence, provide more streamlined communications and a complete transformation of its membership structure- which counter to tradition- eliminates dues for most members.

Today for people networking is high on the list of important benefits they expect an association to provide. Their decision to join is more accurately a decision to affiliate. The term join implies jumping in, like a party in a pool. Affiliate means more than that. It incorporates the notion of shared identity. Associations are about advancing a cause (in our case a profession) based on a common vision and shared values.

We believe that the elimination of membership dues will create a virtuous circle. As we gain more members, we will have more clout which will provide more influence which will increase awareness which will increase member numbers. Increased membership numbers will also increase the value of AALEP to its partners.

If we consider the estimated figure of between 15,000 and 20,000 individuals working in the field of interest representation in Brussels alone, it is clear that no professional association today in the field of government relations provides the kind of affiliation that people are looking for. Perhaps a deterrent to affiliation may be cost and lack of time.

Our free membership offering is a strategy not a tactic. Our offering will allow anyone with an interest in government relations to participate in events and campaigns, learn about key issues and trends, or engage with their peers (networking) within our Association.

AALEP's philosophy is radical openness and inclusiveness. We want to include as many people as possible and we look forward to welcoming new members to our community regardless of where they may be based.

Admittedly, our success will depend on our ability to move people from non-member to free member to paid member. We're confident though that as people recognize the value of affiliation to a community of peers, and the services provided to them, as we create a bond with them, they will want to ensure the sustainability of the Association by becoming sooner or later Active Members. This is a bet we're willing to take!




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