Companies and organizations usually hire or employ a Public Policy Advocate if they want government to do to – or NOT to do – something they care about. Companies and organizations  also hire or employ Public Policy Advocates  to be their “eyes and ears” in Brussels and/or in Member States capitals  to monitor and report on what is happening in areas of interest to them. And some companies and organizations also hire or employ Public Policy Advocates  to raise the profile of the company or organization among decision makers. Public Policy Advocates  have specialized knowledge about how decisions get made in Brussels and/or member states capitals and know how to favorably influence them. 

A Public Policy Advocate influences legislative and regulatory actions on behalf of his or her clients or employer. A Public Policy Advocate  is a link between client or employer and policy maker. A Public Policy Advocate distills positions and presents them in a context understood by the political mind. A Public Policy Advocate creates strategies, meets with policy makers, negotiates with other interests, prepares position papers, drafts legislative and regulatory language, testifies before legislative committees and regulatory agencies, and builds stakeholder coalitions. Public Policy Advocates closely monitor legislative developments and regulatory/agency proposals in areas of interest to the client or employer to ensure that actions are not being taken without the knowledge of the client or employer. Public Policy Advocates usually provide frequent status reports with this information, both in writing and verbally. Public Policy Advocates will work to raise the profile and perception of the client or employer among decision makers, and increase their influence. Public Policy Advocates will also work to raise awareness among decision-makers of the issues that matter most to clients or employer.

One of the most important services that Public Policy Advocates provide is to assist in the development of a strategy or a plan to resolve specific problems or issues. Public Policy Advocates are specialists in getting things done in the legislature at national or European level; they understand the issues, the politics, the process, and the people that define how decisions are made. Public Policy Advocates can describe the options, possible risks and rewards and recommend the best solution for success. 

Some entities retain Public Policy Advocates to monitor, but not to advocate. Public Policy Advocates anticipate and follow all major political events and carefully watch trends in the issues of concern. Public Policy Advocates provide regular reports back to the client or their employer, either verbally or in writing, as frequently, as is desired. 

When working for clients Public Policy Advocates’ fees are determined based upon the level of work that the client wants. Public Policy Advocates work closely with prospective clients to understand and define their objectives, and then to prepare a strategic work plan which will accomplish those objectives at the lowest possible cost. Since client objectives vary widely, some project specific, some for comprehensive services, Public Policy Advocacy fees vary widely as well. 

The success of a Public Policy Advocate is defined by the individual client, depending upon what the client wants to accomplish. Some client’s goals are defensive, preventing negative things from happening; while others are proactive sponsoring legislation or proposing actions. Others are looking to maintain a presence in Brussels with the European institutions or in the Member States national capitals. Ultimately, the client decides if the Public Policy Advocacy firm they have hired is meeting their needs and expectations. Public Policy Advocates take a strategic approach to every issue, working with clients to:

  • define clear objectives;
  • identify decisions-makers and influencers;
  • develop strong arguments and persuasive messages,
  • implement strategic advocacy efforts.  


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