On 14 October 2013, the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee took a major institutional step by voting overwhelmingly for the European Parliament to decide where and when it meets. The report, which seeks to invoke MEP's new powers under Article 28 of the Lisbon treaty to propose treaty change is expected to be voted by parliament as a whole at the November pleanary session.

78% of MEPs are in favour of a single seat for parliament and fully 88% have voted to urge member states to address this issue. Also 75% of parliament's staff and assistants support a single seat.

The rationale is that the monthly trek to Strasbourg costs EU taxpayers € 180 million not to mention the environmental cost. Furthermore, with its huge increased powers and responsibilities under the Lisbon treaty, the European Parliament needs to be able to decide its own working arrangements. That includes meeting where its co-legislators, the member states governments and the executive-the European Commission conduct their business. It would also help citizens better understand how the EU works, thereby making the parliament more efficient and accountable.

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