1. Ukrainian Agribusiness Club: UCAB is a universal Ukrainian agricultural business association, representing virtually every branch of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. A majority of its members are export-oriented, and since the start of Russia's full scale war on Ukraine, more than 50% share of Ukraine's agricultural exports are destined to the EU, UCAB extended its advocacy activities to the EU institutions and authorities of EU Member States. Its mandate is to represent the voice and interests of its members in areas of EU-Ukraine trade in agrifood products, on matters of Ukraine's EU pre-accession negotiations relevant to agriculture, tracking EU legislative developments in areas of climate action and sustainability to the extent they affect access of Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU.
  2. NATIONAL EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF UKRAINE: NEIAU is a non-governmental organization that unites holders of subsoil use licenses and scientific organizations in the Ukrainian mining industry. Its goal is to represent and protect the interests of Ukrainian subsoil users, promote subsoil use, modernize and improve legislation in this area, support businesses engaged in research, production and processing of minerals. NEIAU wants to make the following contribution to partnership between EU and Ukraine: establishing communication between Ukrainian and European subsoil users; popularization among the European business community of extraction of rich mineral reserves in Ukraine; providing information support for the benefits of investing in the Ukrainian mining industry.
  3. Naftogaz of Ukraine: Naftogaz is a national energy company of Ukraine. It is 100% owned by the government of Ukraine. The company is involved with exploration, production and refinement of natural gas and crude oil, trade in gas and oil products, gas supply and distribution, gas storage, and oil transportation. The company actively develops a pipeline of projects in decarbonized gases, RES, energy efficiency
  4. Pharmaceutical company “Darnytsia”: Pharmaceutical company "Darnytsia" aims to advance public health by researching, producing, and distributing high-quality medicines in Ukraine and beyond. Its goal is to address critical medical needs, particularly in cardiology, neurology, and pain management, through innovative pharmaceutical solutions. The company is committed to adhering to the highest standards of quality, compliance, and sustainability in all aspects of its operations.
  5. Public Union “Ukrainian Agri Council” : “Ukrainian Agri Council” Public Union (UAC) is the largest and the most effective Union in Ukraine which represents and protects the interests of agricultural producers at all stages of their activities. It includes more than 1,100 agricultural enterprises (a total land bank is more than 3.5 mln hectares).
    The main tasks are: improving the legislative issues and strengthen the efficient operation of agricultural producers; provides legislative support to agri-enterprises; advocacy of farmers interests, informs about legislation changes and holds specialized events such as congresses, forums, conferences and seminars.
    To jointly carry out effective reforms of the agricultural sector and ensure the development of rural areas, it cooperates with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, relevant ministries and organizations, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, international organizations, etc. including representing the interests of Ukrainian agricultural producers at the international level.
  6. PHARMHIM: PHARMHIM LTD specializes in the production of: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), finished medicinal products as solutions “in bulk”, excipients for the production of finished medicinal products. The main aim is participation in program for the formation of the European strategic stockpile (Critical list) substances and medicines aimed at minimizing the risks of shortages essential medicines on the European pharmaceutical market.
  7. Ukrainian Bar Association: Since its establishment in 2002, the main objective of the UBA has been to strengthen the rule of law in Ukraine, promote protection of human rights, and development of the legal profession. The Association unites 7,000+ members of various legal specialties, has 23 regional branches in and 27 specialized committees.
  8. Razom We Stand: To drive a global campaign to sanction russian fossil fuels and cease all investments into russian energy infrastructure. The organization is acting to accelerate the global transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, and pushing for a full embargo of the russian oil and gas industry. The overarching focus of Organization's work is to turn supply-side climate policies into real political action. Key message is that international efforts and governmental policies in response to russian aggression should aim for accelerating a drop in oil, gas, and coal production by russian companies, making their reserves unrecoverable and permanently buried in the ground.
  9. Farmak JSC: There are 25 production sites at the Company. Farmak has a full production cycle from the synthesis of classical and biotechnological APIs to the manufacture of various finished dosage forms. The production facilities, laboratory, and technical complex of the company are internationally certified and meet the high requirements of European GMP standards. Over the past 5 years, Farmak has successfully passed 90 national and foreign inspections, including those conducted by partner companies from the UK, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Israel, and Georgia. The company aims to become a part of the resilient EU supply chain of critical medicines and API.
  10. ARTERIUM LTD: The company creates, manufactures and markets high-quality and effective medicines for healthier, longer and more productive lives.
  11. Union of Ukrainian entrepreneurs: The Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP) representing over 1000 companies of diverse scales and fields, is committed to advocating for transparent business conditions and fostering a competitive environment. SUP is the largest community of independent Ukrainian entrepreneurs, was established in 2016 with a non-political agenda to protect entrepreneurial interests. SUP’s mission is creation and development of a favorable business environment in Ukraine. SUP has 3 departments: Analytical Center, Business Protection Center, International Cooperation Center, which analyze legislative framework that has an impact on business activities, develop proposals for legislative changes to public authorities of all levels, participate in working groups and meetings with key authorities, make consultations on entering the European and other markets.
  12. LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine: Vision: To be a modern and innovative gas transmission system operator of Ukraine within the integrated European gas network.
    Mission: To ensure the development of the competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory gas market and to secure reliable gas flows for Ukrainian and European consumers in the most sustainable way. Reliable provision of gas transmission services in a transparent, non-discriminatory and sustainable way at fair price. Security of gas supply. Sufficient and diversified capacity for gas transmission to Ukrainian and European consumers to ensure energy security and uninterrupted supply in any circumstances.
  13. European Business Association: Established in 1999, the European Business Association (EBA) provides a forum in which members can discuss and find solutions to common problems affecting business in Ukraine. This initiative was initially supported by the European Commission and has grown to become one of the largest and most influential business communities in the country. With more than nine hundred members, the EBA is the largest premier union of businesses operating in the Ukrainian market.
  14. The Ukrainian Association of Archaeologists: The main directions of its activity are popularization of archaeology, protection of archaeological sites and artifacts, legislative regulation of their use and research, promotion of the work of professional archaeologists in Ukraine, protection of their professional interests, formation and implementation of professional and ethical standards, capacity development of specialists and institutions, promoting the development of a professional network, advocacy of issues of protection and promotion of archaeological heritage at the national and international level, promoting the formation of a responsible attitude of society to the archaeological heritage as a resource for development.
  15. Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine: The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) is an all-Ukrainian voluntary association of trade unions, the largest trade union federation in Ukraine, which unites in its ranks 2.5 million trade union members. As of 2023, the FPU includes 71 affiliates: 44 all-Ukrainian sectoral trade unions and 27 territorial trade union associations. The FPU is a co-founder and affiliate of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), affiliate of the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), and maintains contacts with the Trade Union Advisory Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The FPU develops fruitful relations with more than 50 trade union centres in Europe, Asia and America. It actively uses its consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, thanks to which, in particular, it participates in the annual sessions of the Commission for Social Development.
  16. IRISGROUP: IRISGROUP has been involved in forestry management and wood production for the carpentry industry since the beginning. A section dedicated to renewable energy and pellet production for industry has recently been introduced. The Group's objectives are to create sustainable production of timber and its derivatives, through the selective use of all forestry resources available in the Western Ukrainian region. IRISGROUP also deals with the marketing of wheat and soy for human and animal use
  17. Federation of Employers of Ukraine: representing the rights and interests of employers in the economic, social, labour and other fields in relation to national executive authorities, local governments, trade unions, civil society associations, institutions, and organizations;  representing interests of its members in cooperation with international organizations, authorities, employer organizations, business associations, and companies of foreign countries;  promoting economic development, preserving the existing and creating new jobs;  supporting sustainable development of industrial production;  supporting the integration of the Ukrainian business to the EU Single market;  promoting exports of the member companies to foreign markets with a focus on the EU market;  facilitating the implementation of European environmental policies in the national industry with regard to national context;  promoting interests of the members in thr of implementation of the Association Agreement (...)
  18. Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine: to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace; to improve working conditions; to promote international labor standards; to promote equality and social justice.
  19. Save Ukraine: Established in 2014, Save Ukraine focuses on rescuing Ukraine’s most vulnerable – orphans and at-risk children, elderly, disabled persons - from conflict zones. Save Ukraine addresses war-related trauma and restores dignity to people's lives by providing food, shelter, medical and mental health care. Save Ukraine is the only NGO that regularly organizes rescue missions to return deported children from russia. The organization coordinates dozens of organizations, volunteers, individuals and legal entities to help internally displaced persons, with a special emphasis on children. Its  team of experienced volunteers, civic activists, legal and mental health specialists are motivated to serve Ukraine and fellow Ukrainians at a crucial moment in the country's history.
  20. Fight For Right: FIGHT FOR RIGHT, fights for the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine. It is  working to ensure that every person with disabilities knows their human rights and freely exercises them.
  21. Brand Ukraine Development Office: BRAND UKRAINE is an independent Ukrainian organization that has been systematically working on strengthening the brand of Ukraine since February 2022. BRAND UKRAINE's activities include communication projects (including the digital ecosystem and monitoring Ukraine's perception in the world. The organization's expertise focuses on international and strategic communications, as well as data analysis. Its mission is to make Ukraine a lovemark for the world, to tell Ukraine’s story in a way that sparks interest and inspires people all over the world to engage and learn more about Ukraine. Brand Ukraine contributes to a strong and sustainable brand of Ukraine in the world, its positive image and agency by developing lovemark projects and campaigns, digital solutions, and analytical products. It wants the world to know and hear the real Ukraine. To make its voice strong and loud both in times of victories and in times of struggle. And most importantly, to bring the day of victory closer
  22. Public Organization “Public Advocacy”: NGO «Public Advocacy» is a non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Its  commitment to human rights promotion and advocacy is facilitated by the possession of special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC that entitles it to actively participate in the operations of the UN Human Rights Council using the whole range of available bodies and mechanisms. It also operates at other strategic international venues that have assumed the responsibility to ensure human rights protection and the rule of law worldwide. By engaging with such organizations as the Organization of Security and Cooperation, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, it strives to ensure that the rights and interests of religious communities are not ignored but rather shape the decision-making policy around the world. By virtue of its legal expertise, it monitors the observance of the rights of Orthodox Christian communities and also refugees (...)
  23. Center for Civil Liberties: The Center for Civil Liberties has been actively working for the protection of human rights in Ukraine and the OSCE region for 15 years, and is a 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The Center for Civil Liberties (CCL) was established in 2007 to promote human rights values. Mission: The establishment of human rights, democracy, and solidarity in Ukraine and the OSCE region for the affirmation of human dignity. Vision: CCL is one of the leading actors in Ukraine, influencing the formation of public opinion and public policy, supporting the development of civic activism, and actively participating in international networks and solidarity actions to promote human rights in the OSCE region.
  24. Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”: Ukrainian Prism is a Ukrainian nongovernmental think tank Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism" the goal of which is to participate in providing democratic ground for developing and implementation of foreign and security policies by government authorities of Ukraine, implementation of international and nation-wide projects and programs, directed at improvement of foreign policy analysis and expertise, enhancement of expert community participation in a decision-making process in the spheres of foreign policy, international relations, public diplomacy. In February 2023 the think tank registered its Brussels Office under Belgian law as VZW Ukrainian Prism Europe.
  25. CIVIC ORGANIZATION “TENTH OF APRIL”: Mission: To promote the development of the rule of law by providing professional assistance in restoring rights and creating new opportunities. Targeted beneficiaries: internally displaced persons and persons affected by war in Ukraine; refugees and asylum seekers; stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness. Thematic areas of activities: Protection: social, legal, and psychological assistance; Community-based assistance and capacity development; Advocacy; Capacity building for authorities; Non-food items; Restoring of households and public infrastructure.
  26. DiXi Group: DiXi Group was founded in 2008 in Kyiv as a think tank involved in research and consultations in the energy sphere - on the crossroads of politics, public relations, safety and investments. The advantages of DiXi Group's development include its multitasking and multi-sectoral nature. The think-tank combines both professional analysis of performance and reforms in the specific sector and wider tasks - strengthening transparency and accessibility of energy policy, improved governance, cooperation of the government with the public and business. DiXi Group works both with specific amendments to the legislation that need to be introduced in order to improve the sector's performance, and with more general topics such as Ukraine-EU-Russia relations, and regional energy policy.
  27. Centre for Environmental Initiatives « Ecoactions » : Centre for Environmental Initiatives "Ecoaction" is an NGO uniting efforts of experts and activists in a joint struggle to protect the environment. Vision: To maintain a clean and safe environment throughout all aspects of human development. Mission: To protect the environment via influencing decision makers and stakeholders and to develop an active Ukrainian community. Goals: (1) green reconstruction of Ukraine; (2) achieving an energy efficient economy and 100% renewables-based energy sector by 2050; (3) informing the population on climate change issues; (4) dissemination of progressive climate policy in Ukraine; (5) development of public transport infrastructure to reduce harmful automotive industry emissions; (6) ecological safety of agricultural production through the implementation of modern standards, norms and technologies; (7) supporting communities that defend their environmental rights and seek to participate in decision-making.
  28. International and EU Sanctions Platform : International and EU Sanctions Platform aims to achieve the following:  Supporting the operation of EU institutions and other participants in the Global Sanctions Coalition by obtaining and structurally analyzing information regarding evasion/violation of sanctions. This involves providing monthly reports to relevant EU Institutions, including initiating investigations and implementing measures to address sanctions violations. Expanding capabilities to gather and horizontally analyze open-source information (from Russia, Ukraine, Central Asian countries, etc.) about individuals/legal entities utilized by the Russian Federation to circumvent sanctions. Advocating and pushing for strengthening sanctions policies against Russia and its partners by adoption new legislation to strengthen sanctions policy, including restrictive measures to a broader number of sectors, as well as extending listings of persons and entities involved in financing and supporting war.
  29. Eirhub: Advises private companies, investment funds, non-governmental organizations, and banks on strategic investment, business valuation, and search for acquisition targets within the Life Sciences sectors. Eirhub consults Life Sciences-related organizations on topics related to Market Access regulations, processes, and stakeholders across Europe and Asia. It aims to become a part of European community driving the positive change to public health issues, enhancement of cancer care delivery, patient access to care and development of healthcare systems in across the Europe.
  30. The State Historical and Cultural Reserve “Mezhybizh”: Preservation, research, and popularization of the Fortified Monuments. Especially Medzhybizh castle. The support of monument protection and preservation for the cultural heritage of fortified monuments. The support of art and culture. The support of science and research on the cultural heritage of fortified monuments. The support of international understanding based on the cultural heritage fortified monuments as a testimony to European history.
  31. Foundation for United Nations SDG: FFUN ​​is a foundation under Ukrainian law that carries out its non-profit activity especially in the field of Sustainable Development, as approved by the United Nations with the 2030 Agenda. The focus is in particular on INTERNATIONAL partnership AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. After the start of the war, in addition to humanitarian aid, the activity was aimed at supporting art and culture with the organization of events, including digital ones, with the aim of protecting the artistic-cultural heritage and supporting the culture and art that the oppressors try to erase. Now the activity has extended to all of Europe, the Caucasus and EURASIA. In the meantime, the FFUN SDG has become a member of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development
  32. Babyn Yar Holocaust Medmorial Center: BYHMC aims at respectfully commemorating the victims of the Babyn Yar tragedy, of the Holocaust by bullets and the 1,5 Million Jews who perished during the Holocaust in what is now Ukrainian territory. We focus on preserving the true historical memory of the Holocaust. BYHMC also aims at showing the danger of totalitarian, extremist nationalist and racist ideologies.
  33. Charitable Foundation Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: The Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (CSMA) is a voluntary, non-profit foundation in Ukraine whose mission is to provide support and information for anyone affected by or involved with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). SMA is a motor neuron disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brainstem, leading to muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, and respiratory complications. TOP 3 The primary goals of Foundation are: Protection of the rights of SMA patients and members of their families; Keeping and supporting National Registry of SMA patients; Assistance in building of experts' Involvement and support of both national and international collaboration.
  34. Magnolia: search for missing due to the war Ukrainian children in Ukraine and abroad; ensure family reunification; ensure support for parents and relatives of missing children; combat violence, trafficking and sexual exploitation of children; documentation of war crimes against children; advocacy to protect Ukrainian children from any form of violence
  35. PO “Centre for Economic Strategy”: CES is an independent non-governmental economic policy think tank. Mission is to promote economic policies that help Ukraine achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth. CES combines research, policy recommendations, and advocacy of institutional changes through open dialogue with the government, business and civil society. Principles are:  Free and fair competition; Reducing the role of the state and improving its efficiency; The rule of law and the protection of private property; Healthy and stable public finances;  Knowledge economy; Transparency and freedom of speech
  36. Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group: 1. Facilitate the creation of an effective justice system by strengthening/building/developing the capacity of the national and international justice system through the establishment of a relevant special mechanism (investigation, prosecution, court, remedy mechanisms) and existing international courts and institutions. 2. Ensuring human-centered representation and protection of the interests and rights of the victims of the armed conflict. 3. Facilitating the development of an adequate and effective system for documenting war crimes committed as a result of the Russian Federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine. 4. Strengthening the capacity and expertise of the organization and elevating its presence as a voice of civil society in the processes of building the justice architecture for Ukraine and sharing Ukraine’s experience and lessons learned for the benefit of other conflict related contexts.
  37. Global information space: The Global Information Space (GIS) explores and provides information of the digital world, current knowledge and experience in the field of counteraction misinformation and cybersecurity, which can be effectively used through digital media to counteraction misinformation, as well as space, tools, knowledge to shape in Ukraine resistance to misinformation. The goal of GIS is to promote cross-sectoral cooperation and promote democratic values, entrepreneurship and critical thinking as a way to respond to the critical challenges facing Ukraine. The main task is to support new independent voices, well-equipped and technologically savvy, and to generate products, services and content that would not be possible without the creation of minds, creativity and technology.
  38. PR ARMY, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS: To highlight the topic of the forcible deportation of Ukrainians to Russia in the discourse; To promote the necessity of sustaining pressure on Russia and world human rights organizations until the deportees are returned;  To document Russian atrocities of abducting and deporting  people, to demonstrate the scale of Russia's crimes to international organizations and media, governments and human rights agencies;  To communicate and advocate for denying Russia access to technology and resources to wage war;  To maintain a general interest in sanctions enforcement to end the war sooner and benefit global security.
  39. Association of “Cinema Promotion and Assistance in Ukraine- watch Ukrainians!: Association "Promoting the development of cinema in Ukraine - see Ukrainian!" was founded by filmmakers and communication specialists in 2005. The activities of the Association are aimed at comprehensive support for the development of Ukrainian cinema. Main activities: Initiation, organization and support of various projects and events aimed at the development and support of Ukrainian cinema (special industrial projects, festivals, conferences, prizes, educational programs, film screenings abroad, festival distribution, etc.). Production of film products initiated by filmmakers, participants/experts of the Association. Updating and communicating to a wide audience, the language of cinema, important social issues in order to consolidate the efforts of Ukrainian society to solve them. Popularization of Ukrainian cinema in Ukraine and abroad.
  40. Center for Social and Economic Research-CASE Ukraine: CASE Ukraine is one of Ukraine’s oldest and most influential centers of public policy studies. CASE Ukraine operated as the Ukrainian office of the Polish CASE Foundation until 2018. From that year on, the CASE Ukraine Public Association has been operating as a Ukrainian non-profit. CASE Ukraine has its roots in the Harvard University Ukraine Project (1996-2000) that was funded by the United States Agency for International Development.
    The project’s primary objectives continue to be: To promote knowledge about the economy of Ukraine and other post-Soviet nations; To contribute to Ukraine’s capacity-building for market reforms and economic growth; To respond to current policy measures with analytical monitoring and economic forecasting; To assist in establishing links between agencies in charge of economic policy-making in Ukraine and Western economists and academia.

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