Submitted by christian on Sat, 08/19/2017 - 21:04
As of 11, August 2017
European Countries without any US Ambassorial Nominee (15)
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Finland
- Germany
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Luxembourg
- Norway
- Sweden
- Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- Representative of the United States to the European Union
- Representative of the United States to the OECD
- Representative of the United States to the Vienna Office of the United Nations and Representative of the United States to the International Atomic Energy
- United States Representative to the Office of the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva
Confirmed US Ambassadors (By the US Senate) (4)
- Italy & San Marino: Lewis Eisenberg
- Portugal : George Edward Glass
- United Kingdom: Robert Wood Johnson IV
- Permanent Representative of the United States on the Council of NATO: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Awaiting Confirmation by the US Senate (6)
- Czech Republic: Stephen B. King
- France & Monaco: Jamie McCourt
- Holy See: Callista L. Gingrich
- Netherlands: Peter Hoekstra
- Spain & Andorra: Robert Duke Buchan III
- Russia: John Huntsman Jr.
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