Submitted by christian on Wed, 10/05/2016 - 17:14
Source : Committee of the Regions (COR)
EU27 only
- Bureau de Liaison de Burgenland
- Bureau de Liaison de la Carinthie
- Bureau de Liaison de la Haute-Autriche
- Bureau de Liaison de la Région de Salzburg
- Bureau de Liaison de Vienne
- Land Niederösterreich
- Steiermark-Büro
- Tirolbüro Brüssel-Alpeuregio
- AWEX-Region of Wallonia
- Bureau de Liaison Bruxelles-Europe
- Délégation de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
- Délégation Wallonie Bruxelles
- Liaison Agency Flanders Europe
- Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
- Représentation de la Communauté germaophone de la Belgique
- Vlaamse Overheid- Dept internationaal Vlaanderen
- Vlaamse vertegenwoordiging
- WBI (Wallonie Bruxelles International)
- EU Office of Varna
- Forum der Regionen (Pleven, Blagoevgrad, Byala Slatina, Avren, Lovech, Kaynardza, Dalgopol, Dolni Chiflik, Mizia, Dimovo)
- Representation of the city of Kyustendil
- Representation of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels
- Representation of the South-East region of Bulgaria
- Adriatic Ionian Euroregion: Croatia/Italy/Montenegro/Albania/Slovenia/ Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brussels Representation of Croatian Pannonia NUTS II region
- Croatian Regions Office
- Dubrovnik Neretva County Office
- EU Liaison Office of the Region of Istria
- Representation of Slavonia and Baranja
- European Office of Cyprus
- Union of Cyprus Municipalities
Czech Republic
- Central Bohemia Region European Office
- Delegation of Prague to the EU
- Pilsen Region EU Office
- Representation of Hradec Kralové Region in Brussels
- Representation of Olomouc Region
- Representation of the Karlovy Vary Region to the EU
- Representation of the Liberec Region in Brussels
- Representation of the Pardubice Region to the EU
- Representation of the Vysocina Region
- South Bohemia Region European Office
- The Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU
- Central Denmark EU Office
- CreoDK (Capital Region DK)
- Danish Regions
- Kalundborg EU Office
- Local Government Denmark (LGDK)
- North Denmark EU Office
- South Denmark EU Office
- Zealand Denmark
- Permanent Representation of the Association of Estonian Cities and the Association of Municipalities of Estonian
- Tallin European Office
- Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
- East and North Finland EU Office
- Helsinki EU Office
- Tampere Region EU Office
- Turku- Southwest Finland European Office
- West Finland European Office
- Alsace/Champagne-Ardenne/Lorraine ‘Grand Est’
- Bureau Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes
- Délégation générale Région Auvergne/Rhône-Alpes
- Bureau Bourgogne-Franche Comté
- Délégation permanente de la Bretagne
- Représentation de la Région Centre-Val de Loire
- Antenne de la collectivité territoriale de Corse
- Représentation de la Région Normandie
- Ile-de-France Europe
- Bureau Languedoc Roussillon et Midi-Pyrénées
- Région Hauts-de-France
- Pays de la Loire
- Bureau de représentation de la région PACA
- Association des Maires de France et Présidents d’intercommunalité
- Büro des Landes Berlin
- Büro des Landtags von Baden-Württemberg in Brüssel
- Europabüro der Baden-Württembergischen Kommunen
- Europabüro der Bayerischen Kommunen
- Europabüro des Deutschen Landkreistages
- Europabüro des Deutschen Städte-und Gemeindebundes
- Europabüro des Deutschen Städtetages
- Frankfurt Rhein-Main EU Office
- Hanse-Office, Gemeinsame Landesvertretung der Freien und Hnasestadt Hamburg und des Landes Schleswig-Holstein bei der Europäischen Union
- Informationsbüro Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Kontakt-und Informationsbüro des Hessischen Landtags
- Kontakt-und Informationsstelle des Bayerischen Landtags
- Kontakt-und Informationsstelle des Landtages Brandenburg
- Landkreis Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Region Hannover
- Représentation de l’Etat libre de la Bavière auprès de l’UE
- Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Sachsen Verbindungsbüro Brüssel
- Stuttgart Region European Office
- Vertretung Bremen
- Vertretung des Freistaats Thüringen bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Landes Brandenburg bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Landes Hessen bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt bei der Europäischen Union
- Vertretung des Saarlandes bei der EU
- Vertretung Rheinland-Pfalz
- Brussels Office of the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
- Central Union of Municipalities of Greece
- RegioEuropa
- Regional Partners
- Hungarian Development Center
- Representation of Budapest to the EU
- Representation of Eszak-Alfold Region in Brussels
- South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Office- Representation of the South Transdanubian Region
- Irish Regions Office
- ANCI-CITTALIA c/o Regione Lazio
- Autonom Provinz Bozen-Alpeuregio
- Bureau de la Représentation de la Région des Abruzzes à Bruxelles
- Liaison Office of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
- Provincia Autonoma di Trento- Euregio
- Région Autonome Vallée d’Aoste
- Région de Puglia
- Région Sardaigne
- Regional Office of Sicily
- Regione Basilicata
- Regione del Veneto
- Regione Emilia-Romagna
- Regione Lazio
- Regione Liguria
- Regione Lombardia
- Regione Marche- Delegazione di Bruxelles
- Regione Molise
- Regione Piemonte
- Regione Toscana
- Regione Umbria
- TECLA Europa
- Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
- Brussels Office of the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania
- Association des villes et communes luxembourgeoises (SYVICOL)
- Local Councils Association
- Arnhem Nijmegen City Region
- Association of Netherlands Muncipalities (VNG)
- Bureau d’Amsterdam-G-4 EU Office (EU Representation Office Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utecht)
- Bureau de Hague-G-4 EU Office (EU Representation Office Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht)
- Bureau de Rotterdam-G-4 EU Office (EU Representation Office Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht)
- Bureau d’Utrecht-G-4 EU Office (EU Representation Office Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht)
- Bureau Maastricht Region in Brussels
- East Netherlands Provinces (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- G-4 EU Office (Joint EU Representation Office of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht)
- House of the Dutch Provinces
- North Netherlands Provinces (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Northern Netherlands Provinces
- Province of Flevoland (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of Limburg (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of North Holland (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of North-Brabant (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of South Holland (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of Utrecht (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Province of Zeeland (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Region Ranstad (House of the Dutch Provinces)
- Bureau Régional de la Basse Silésie
- East Poland House
- Information Office of Opolskie Region
- Information Office of the Wielkopolska Region
- Kujawsko-Pomorskie Rehion EU Office in Brussels
- Lubelskie Region Office
- Malopolska Region Brussels Office
- Pomorskie Regional EU Office
- Regional Office of Podlaskie Voivodship
- Regional Office of Silesia in Brussels
- Regional Office of Swietokrzyskie Voivodship
- Regional Office of the Lodz Voivodship
- Regional Office of the Lubuskie Voivoideship in Brussels
- Regional Office of the Warminsko-Mazurkie Voivodship in Brussels
- Representation of Podkarpackie Voivodship in Brussels
- Representation of the City of Lodz in Brussels
- Représentation Régionale de la Mazovie
- Westpomerania Regional Office
- Représentation Permanente du Portugal
- Bratislava Region Brussels office
- Liaison Office of Kosice Region
- Nitra Self Governing Region
- Presov Region Brussels Office
- Trencin Region Brussels Office
- Association of Towns and Cities of Slovenia
- Delegacion de la Junta de Andalucia
- Delegacion de las Diputacciones de Badajoz y Caceres y la Federacion de Municipios y Provincias de Extremadura en Bruselas
- Delegacion del Gobierno de Canarias
- Délégation du Gouvernement de la Catalogne auprès de l’UE
- Délégation du Gouvernement de Navarre
- Délégation du Pays Basque à Bruxelles
- Délégation Permanente de Castilla y Léon auprès de l’UE
- Délégation Permanente de Castilla y Léon auprès de l’UE
- Diputacio de Barcelona
- EU Balearic Islands- Delegation/Centre Balears Europa
- Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean
- Fundacion Galicia Europa
- Officina del Principado de Asturias
- Oficina de Castilla la Mancha
- Oficina de Extremadura
- Oficina de la Comunidad de Madrid
- Oficina de la Region de Murcia
- Oficina de la Rioja
- Oficina del Gobierno de Aragon
- Oficina del Gobierno de Cantabria en Bruselas
- Partenalia (21 membres d’Espagne, Portugal, France, Belgique, Italie et Pays Bas)
- Valencian Regional Office
- Central Sweden Brussels
- City of Gothenburg EU Office
- City of Malmö EU Office
- East Sweden EU Office
- Mid Sweden European Office
- North Sweden European Office
- Skane European Office
- Smaland Blekinge South Sweden
- Stockholm Region
- Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
- Vastra Götalandsregionen
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