The EVCA is the voice of European private equity. Its membership covers the full range of private equity activity, from early-stage venture capital to the largest private equity firms, investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, fund-of-funds and family offices and associate members from related professions. EVCA counts 673 full members, 443 associate members, 32 Associations in Europe and 4 Associations non-Europe.

The EVCA shapes the future direction of the industry, while promoting it to stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, business owners and employee representatives. The Association explains private equity to the public and helps shape public policy, so that its members can conduct their business effectively. The EVCA is responsible for the industry’s professional standards, demanding accountability, good governance and transparency from its members and spreading best practice through its training courses.

Political Advocacy

Since the EVCA was founded at the instigation of the European Commission 29 years ago, the association has been facilitating dialogue and co-operation between the public sector and the private investment community throughout the EU. EVCA works effectively to make the voice of the European private equity industry heard, and plays a central role in the development of the EU legislation that will shape its business in the years to come. This engagement with policy institutions and regulatory bodies - at European and international level - often takes place in co-ordination with national trade associations.

The main decision making body on the political advocacy work of those EU files that have a direct impact on all market segments of the industry is the Public Affairs Executive (PAE) of the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Industry. The PAE operates in reference to  a Representative Group, comprising all Europe’s national private equity and venture capital associations. The (PAE) is the highest decision-making body. The EVCA is represented by its Secretary General and Chairman, who also chairs the PAE. In addition, the PAE comprises representatives of each of the industry's main segments (Venture Capital, Mid Market, Large Buyout and Limited Partners), a representative from the three largest national associations (UK, France, Germany), plus a rotating seat for the association whose country holds the EU Presidency. EVCA's former Chairman and Chairman Elect, the Campaign Director, the Chair of the PAE Technical Group as well as the association whose country will hold the forthcoming EU Presidency, are invited as guests.

The EVCA encourages and facilitates ongoing dialogue between policymakers, regulators and other relevant stakeholders and private equity and venture capital industry representatives. This dialogue aims to promote a favourable environment for the development of the private equity and venture capital industry, by enhancing understanding and support for the industry among national and European policy and regulatory actors.

The EVCA’s research-based approach to public policy issues ensures that the insights and information the EVCA provides are based on practical business experience as well as economic realities. To that aim, the EVCA’s Political Advocacy team is supported by several groups of experts and technical advisers from across Europe, including the EVCA’s Tax and Legal Committee and the PAE Technical Group.

The Representative Group is led by the EVCA and comprises the heads of Europe’s national private equity associations, as well as other major private equity associations. The Group works closely on regulatory and reputational issues that have implications for Europe as a whole, as well as individual Member States. It includes: AVCO (Austrian Private Equity and Venture Capital Organisation) (Austria); BVA (Belgian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association) (Belgium); CVCA (Croatian Venture Capital Association) (Croatia); CVCA (Czech Venture Capital Association) (Czech Republic); DVCA (Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association) (Denmark); EstVCA (Estonian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) (Estonia); FVCA (Finnish Venture Capital Association) (Finland) ; AFIC Association Française des Investisseurs en Capital) (France) ; BVK (German Private Equtiy and Venture Capital Association) (Germany); HVCA (Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association) (Hungary); IVCA (Irish Venture Capital Association (Ireland), AIFI (Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) (Italy); LVCA (Latvian venture Capital Association) (Latvia) ; Lithuanian Venture Capital Association (Lithuania) ; LPEA (Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) (Luxembourg); NVP (Nederlandse Vereniging van Participatiemaatschappijen) (Netherlands); NVCA (Norwegian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association) (Norway); PSIK (Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association) (Poland); APCRI (Associacão Portuguesa de Capital de Risco) (Portugal); SEEPEA (South Eastern Europe's Private Equity Association) (SEE); SLOVCA (Slovak Venture Capital Association) (SK); ASCRI (Asociación Española De Entidades De Capital-Riesgo) (Spain); SVCA (Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association) (Sweden); SECA (Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association) (Switzerland); BVCA (British Venture Capital Association) (United Kingdom).



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