FoodDrinkEurope's mission is to facilitate the development of an environment in which all European food and drink companies, whatever their size, can meet the needs of consumers and society, while competing effectively for sustainable growth. FoodDrinkEurope’s contribution is based on sound scientific research, robust data management and effective communication, working within the regulatory framework to ensure that all food and drink issues are dealt with in a holistic manner. The organisation promotes its members’ interests in areas such as food safety and science, nutrition and health, consumer trust and choice, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.

FoodDrinkEurope’s permanent secretariat, based in Brussels, maintains close contacts with European and international institutions and is a major partner in consultations on all issues affecting Europe’s food and drink industry.

FoodDrinkEurope coordinates the work of more than 700 experts though it’s Committees and Expert Groups around four themes: food and consumer policy (food safety and science, nutrition and health), environmental sustainability and competitiveness.

Through these Committees and Expert Groups, Europe’s food and drink manufacturers provide broad and in-depth expertise. They contribute to FoodDrinkEurope positions on key issues which, once approved, are communicated to European and international decision-makers with a view to shaping legislative and non-legislative developments impacting on the industry.

On more specific and technical subjects, FoodDrinkEurope also works in close collaboration with other public and private organisations that deal with matters of interest for the food and drink sector. These relations aim to exchange points of view, share objectives, coordinate actions and increase the overall impact of all of FoodDrinkEurope’s actions, by making use of potential synergies.

FoodDrinkEurope has developed a partnership with the other links in the food chain, from the agricultural sector right through to consumers, at European and international level. FoodDrinkEurope aims to play a leadership role in order to reinforce the links throughout this chain and develop a common awareness of the challenges that lie ahead.

Agricultural Policy (COPA_COGECA -European Committee of Agricultural Producers and Co-operatives)

Diet, Physical Activity and Health (EMRA-European Modern Restaurant Association; EUFIC-European Food Information Council; EuroCommerce- Retail, Wholesale & International Representation to the EU; EVA-European Vending Association; FESI-Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry; ILSI-Europe-International Life Sciences Institute; WFA-World Federation of Advertisers).

Food Ingredients (AMFEP- Association of European Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products; CEFIC- European Chemical Industry Council; EFFA-European Flavour Association; ELC-Federation of European Specialty Ingredients; ISA-International Sweeteners Association; NATCOL-Natural Food Colors Association).

Food Safety/Traceability (BEUC-European Consumers’ Organisation; CELCAA-European Liaison Committee for the Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade; CEPE- European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry; CIES-The Consumer Goods Forum; COPA-COGECA- European Committee of Agricultural Producers and Cooperatives; EUPC-European Plastics Converters; EuroCommerce-Retail, Wholesale and International Trade Representation to the EU; FEFAC-European Feed Manufacturers Federation; EMPAC- European Metal Packaging).

GMO (AMFEP- Association of European Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products; COCERAL- European Association Representing Trade in Cereals, Feedstuffs, Oilseeds, Olive Oil and Agrosupply in the European Union; EUROPABIO-European Association of Biotechnology Industries; FEFAC- European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation; FEFANA- EU Association of Speciality Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures).

Horizontal Organizations (AIM-European Brands Association; BUSINESSEUROPE-The Voice of European Business; EUFIC- European Food Information Council; ILSI-Europe-International Life Sciences Institute; EUROPEN-The European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment).

International Organizations (Codex Alimentarius; FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; ISO-International Organization for Standardization; OECD- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; UNEP- United Nations Ebnvironment Programme; WHO-World Health Organization; WTO-World Trade Organization)

Packaging Inks Joint Industry Task Force (PIJITIF) (ACE-The Alliance for Beverages Cartons and the Environment; CEPE- European Council of Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’Colours Industry; CEPI-Confederation of European Paper Industries; FoodDrinkEurope; CITPA- International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters; ECMA- European Carton Makers Association; EMPAC-European Metal Packaging Association; EuPC-European Plastics Converters Confederation; EuPIA- European Printing Ink Association; FEFCO-European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers; FPE-Flexible Packaging Europe).

FoodDrinkEurope coordinates various actions on a daily basis with its members (National Federations, European Sector Associations and major Food and Drink companies).

National Federations (22)

  • FIAA - Fachverband der Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie (Austria)
  • FEVIA - Fédération de l’Industrie Alimentaire/Federatie Voedingsindustrie (Belgium)
  • PK ČR - Potravinářská komora České republiky (Czech Rep)
  • DI – Fødevarer (Denmark)
  • ETL - Eesti Toiduainetööstuse Liit (Estonia)
  • ETL – Elintarviketeollisuusliitto (Finland)
  • ANIA - Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (France)
  • BLL & BVE - Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde & Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Ernährungsindustrie (Germany)
  • SEVT - Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Βιομηχανιών Τροφίμων  (Greece)
  • ÉFOSZ - Élelmiszer-feldolgozók Országos Szövetsége (Hungary)
  • FDII - Food and Drink Industry Ireland (Ireland)
  • FEDERALIMENTARE - Federazione Italiana dell’Industria Alimentare (Italy)
  • FEDIL - Féderation des Industries Agro-Alimentaires Luxembourgeoises (Luxembourg)
  • FNLI - Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie (Netherlands)
  • PFPZ - Polska Federacja Producentów Żywności Związek Pracodawców (Poland)
  • FIPA - Federaçâo das Indústrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares (Portugal)
  • ROMALIMENTA - Federația Patronală din Industria Alimentară  (Romania)
  • PKS & SPPK - Potravinárska Komora Slovenska & Slovenská Poľnohospodárska a Potravinárska Komora (Slovakia)
  • GZS - Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije (Slovenia)
  • FIAB - Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas (Spain)
  • LI - Livsmedelsföretagen (Sweden)
  • FDF - Food and Drink Federation (UK)

Observers  (4)

  • BFU - Baltic Food Union (Russia)
  • HUP - Hrvatska Udruga Poslodavaca  (Croatia)
  • NHO – Mat og Drikke (Norway)
  • TGDF - Türkiye Gıda ve içecek Sanayii Dernekleri Federasyonu (Turkey)

European Sector Associations (25)

  • AIJN - European Fruit Juice Association
  • CAOBISCO - Association of Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industries of the European Union
  • CEEREAL - European Breakfast Cereal Association
  • CEFS - European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers
  • CLITRAVI - Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the EU
  • COFALEC - Confederation of EU Yeast Producers
  • CULINARIA EUROPE - Federation of Associations and Enterprises of Industrial Culinary Product Producers in Europe
  • ECF - European Coffee Federation
  • EDA - European Dairy Association
  • EFBW - European Federation of Bottled Waters
  • EHIA & ETC - European Herbal Infusions Association & European Tea Committee
  • ESA - European Snacks Association
  • ESA - European Spice Association
  • EUPPA - European Potato Processors’ Association
  • EUROGLACES - European Ice Cream Association
  • FEDIAF - European Pet Food Industry Federation
  • FEDIMA - Federation of EU Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionary and Patisserie Industries
  • FEEDM - European Federation of Honey Packers & Distributors
  • IDACE - Association of the Food Industries for Particular Nutritional Uses of the European Union
  • IMACE - International Margarine Association of the Countries of Europe
  • PROFEL - European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors
  • spiritsEurope
  • The Brewers of Europe
  • UNAFPA - Union of Organisations of Manufacturers of Pasta Products of the EU
  • UNESDA - Union of European Soft Drinks Associations

Food and Drink Companies (18)

  • MARS


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