Submitted by christian on Sat, 06/20/2015 - 16:16
An effective presentation before a committee requires good planning and preparation. But what about the meeting itself ? Here are some quick tips on how to conduct yourself when testifying before a parliamentary committee.
- Introduce yourself and proposal
- Position the credibility of you or your organization on the issue(s) being explored.
- Open with persuasive statement/theme
- Articulate your position vis-a-vis the issue(s).
- Provide the rationale for the position. This means referencing scientific evidence, anecdotal evidence and results of surveys, etc.
Presentation of Arguments
- Describe problem clearly and concisely
- Discuss (or return to) issues in logical order
- Make clear connections between arguments
- Allocate time effectively
- Stop when time is up or asked to finish
Responsiveness to Questions
- Welcome/do not avoid questions from Committee Members
- Maintain composure, stop to listen carefully to questions and think before answering
- Use proper decorum for legislative hearings
- Give direct answers, then support answers with explanation
- Explain answers with references to data or authority to support
- Integrate responses into arguments/move back to arguments smoothly
Persuasiveness & Preparation
- Demonstrate sound knowledge of subject matter, policy/political issue, and existing law
- Support arguments with law/facts/policy/politics
- Use analogies or examples where appropriate
- Prepare for questions and respond accurately
- Use techniques of persuasion effectively/emphasize theme.
- Use notes/reference tools appropriately
- Conversational, not scripted; measured pace
- Make eye contact and have no distracting mannerisms/gestures
- Avoid “I think” “We feel”
- Strong voice; appropriate volume/intensity
- Project sincere, professional presence
- Courteous, not sarcastic or condescending
- Use correct grammar/pronunciation
After Meeting
- Take notes on the questions asked and their source.
- Followup with the committee staff and with individual committee members on specific questions.
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