People often ask what is public policy advocacy? The short answer is that it is an educational process and an essential component of any organization that is subject to government regulations. At its core, public policy advocacy is an educational process: educating business and industry leaders about the governmental process; educating officials about the issues important to business or other constituencies; and educating governmental and business leaders, and the public, about the potential consequences of legislation. Public policy advocates educate clients about the law-making process and identify and monitor important issues – issues that affect their business. Once these issues are identified, public policy advocates offer advice on how to influence the underlying laws and public policy. And, when necessary, ensure that their client’s position is considered in the debate by engaging public officials, staff, and/or the general public. Ultimately, what public policy advocates do is make the case for their business or their client’s business in the public policy arena

Public policy advocacy in its broadest sense is persuasion, requests, pleas and any other form of communication intended to get others to do what we want. Public policy advocacy can be understood as the practice of various forms of government relations, from campaigns to mobilizing constituents at the grassroots level, varied communication techniques and alliances with other groups addressing individual agendas .

To put public policy advocacy into perspective, let us remember that every point of view, on all public policy issues, is or can be provided by public policy advocates  to those responsible for the formulation of public policy, at  local, regional, national, European or international level. Public policy advocacy allows for the voices of different groups to be heard when the policy makers are at work. The process ensures that the government remains responsive to interest groups and organizational needs.


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