Source: The World Justice Project (WJP) Open Government Index 2015


The first dimension of the WJP Open Government Index measures whether basic laws and information on legal rights are publicly available, presented in plain language, and are made accessible in all languages used by significant segments of the population. This dimension also measures the quality and accessibility of information published by the government in print or online (i.e. active transparency), and whether administrative regulations, drafts of legislation, administrative decisions, and high court decisions are made accessible to the public in a timely manner.

EU Ranking

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. UK
  4. Sweden
  5. Austria
  6. Netherlands
  7. Estonia
  8. Germany
  9. Italy
  10. Slovenia, Spain, Belgium
  11. France
  12. Poland
  13. Hungary, Portugal
  14. Croatia
  15. Czech Rep
  16. Bulgaria, Greece
  17. Romania


The second dimension measures whether requests for information held by a government agency are granted (assuming the information is a public record). It also measures if these requests are granted within a reasonable time period, if the information provided is pertinent and complete, and if requests for information are granted at a reasonable cost and without having to pay a bribe. This dimension also measures whether people are aware of their right to information, and whether relevant records – such as budget figures of government officials, ombudsman reports, and information relative to community projects – are accessible to the public upon request.

EU Ranking

  1. Sweden
  2. Estonia
  3. Netherlands
  4. UK
  5. Denmark, Poland
  6. Austria, Finland
  7. France, Belgium, Czech Republic
  8. Germany
  9. Portugal
  10. Croatia
  11. Greece
  12. Slovenia
  13. Italy
  14. Spain, Bulgaria
  15. Hungary
  16. Romania


The third dimension measures the effectiveness of civic participation mechanisms, including the protection of the freedoms of opinion and expression, and assembly and association, and the right to petition the government. It also measures whether people can voice concerns to various government officers and members of the legislature, and whether government officials provide sufficient information and notice about decisions affecting the community, including opportunities for citizen feedback.

EU Ranking

  1. Sweden
  2. Denmark
  3. Germany
  4. Finland, Austria
  5. Netherlands
  6. Belgium, UK
  7. France
  8. Portugal
  9. Estonia
  10. Czech Rep 
  11. Poland 
  12. Spain 
  13. Italy
  14. Romania
  15. Greece, Croatia
  16. Bulgaria, Slovenia
  17. Hungary


The fourth dimension measures whether people are able to bring specific complaints to the government about the provision of public services or the performance of government officers in carrying out their legal duties in practice, and how government officials respond to such complaints. It also measures whether people can challenge government decisions before another government agency or a judge.

EU Ranking

  1. Denmark
  2. Sweden
  3. Finland
  4. UK
  5. Estonia
  6. Germany, Belgium
  7. Poland
  8. France
  9. Austria
  10. Portugal
  11. Czech Rep
  12. Spain
  13. Slovenia
  14. Romania
  15. Greece
  16. Italy
  17. Croatia
  18. Bulgaria
  19. Hungary

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