Public Policy Advocacy means, in a professional capacity, attempting to influence or advising those who wish to influence a government, parliament, legislature, local, regional or at EU level or other public bodies on any matters within their competence.

Public Policy Advocates are those private individuals who in a professional capacity work to influence or advise those who wish to influence, the institutions of a government, in respect to:

(i) the formulation, modification or adoption of any legislative measures (including the development of proposals for legislation);

(ii) the formulation, modification or adoption of a rule, regulation or any other programme, policy or position;

(iii) the administration or execution of a governmental or other public programme or policy within a country (including the negotiation, award or administration of a public contract, grant, loan, permit or licence).

Public Policy Advocacy Practitioner means any private individual who in a professional capacity provides, as a substantial and sustained part of their responsibilities public policy advocacy services as defined as above.

Public Policy Advocacy Services means the provision of

(i) advocacy, or advice of public policy advocacy as defined above;

(ii) services with intent to assist public policy advocacy, including the provision of monitoring, public affairs and programme support, strategic communications advice, profile raising, decision-making analyses and perception auditing services.

List of Public Policy Advocacy Services

  • Political Monitoring
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • Perception Auditing
  • Policy Research
  • Policy and Risk Analysis
  • Staekholder and Issues Mapping Analysis
  • Legislative and Regulatory Tracking
  • Horizon Scanning
  • Strategy Development
  • Campaign Planning
  • Issues and Crisis Management
  • Message and Narrative Development
  • Message Training and Rehearsal
  • Training
  • Audience Research and Polling
  • Strategic Advice and Counsel
  • Stakeholder Contact Management
  • Written Submissions and Briefings
  • Event Creation and Management
  • Issue Seminars and Roundtables
  • Strategic Sponsorship
  • Political Media Relations
  • Coalition Building
  • Grass Roots Campaign
  • Reputation Management

Definition of Services

Monitoring means providing both advice and analysis of activities in parliament, in the political parties, local and regional government, public bodies, interest groups, think tanks and EU institutions, including debates, questions, committee inquiries, statements, reports legislation and regulation.

Public Policy Advocacy and Programme Support means for exampkle, assistance with political research, with drafting written submissions to government consultations and committee inquiries and with the administration of programmes of meetings with target audiences.

Profile Raising means supporting organizations working to be better known and understood by political stakeholders as they engage with government, parliament or other key influencers.

Decision-Making Analysis means helping individuals and organizations wanting policy, legislative or regulatory changes to understand who the key decision-makers are, when to approach them and how to make the individual's or organzation's case.

Strategic Communications Advice means full campaigns in the political arenas to achieve particular objectives, often within the framework of wider internal communications and public relations work.

Audit means testing the perceptions held of organizations by political and other stakeholders and auditing the effectiveness of previous political engagement.


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