Submitted by christian on Thu, 01/04/2024 - 15:27
Actors directly controlled by or openly affiliated with Russian state
Russian state actors
- State officials’ appearances on/in traditional media programming /publications (TV, Radio, Print)
- Official websites of Russian Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Defense
- Official government social media accounts
- State officials’ remarks, press conferences, other events (in-person attendees, and only when propagating messaging related to information efforts)
Russian domestic state-controlled media
- TV broadcasts and publications of state-owned newspapers in former Soviet states.
- Websites of Russian domestic state-controlled media
- Social media accounts of state-controlled domestic media organizations
Russian foreign-facing overtly state-controlled media
- TV programming, radio, and print media in foreign languages
- Websites of outlets such as RT, Sputnik, and Ruptly and associated streaming video channels
- Social media accounts associated with outlets like RT, Sputnik, and Ruptly, etc.
Actors with opaque ties to Russian state
Pro-Russian media with opaque ties to Russian state
- Other country traditional media outlets broadcasting content produced by Russian-state-controlled media
- Websites with opaque ties to the Russian state.
- Social media accounts of pro-Russian media outlets with opaque ties to Russian state
Nonmedia proxies with opaque ties to Russian state
- Websites with suspected links to Russian state that disseminate Russian messages or act as facilitators for Russian information; troll posts in comments sections of articles, images or videos.
- Social media account with opaque ties to Russian state conducting activities like posting, liking, purchasing ads, friend invites, rally organization on social media accounts, use of bots, etc./
- Proxy actors organizing rallies, ,and discussion forums, for causes in line with Russian interests.
Actors without known affiliation with Russian state
Pro-Russian nonmedia actors without affiliation to Russian state.
- Use of “unaffiliated” third parties to leak information
- Social media accounts of actors with no affiliation used to propagate pro-Russian messaging.
- Pro-Russian actors that disseminate pro-Russian messaging to audiences in person
Other country pro-Russian media without known affiliation to Russian state.
- Journalists an d pundits that propagate pro-Russian (or anti-Western ) messages on local TV an d radio and in newspapers.
- Media outlets’ websites that propagate pro-Russian (or anti-Western) messages and/or directly appropriate content from Russian state-controlled media outlets.
- Social media pages and posts operated by actors unaffiliated with the Russian state that propagate pro-Russian messages and/or directly appropriate content from Russian state controlled media outlets.
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