Russia has now switched tactics to a “war of total annihilation.” At the moment, the Kremlin’s objective is not only at war with Ukraine, but also intent on destroying it. The main targets are civilian infrastructure, residential buildings. Russia is massacring peaceful Ukrainians.

The Kremlin can wage a “war of attrition” which would strike a blow to world food supply. Within 3-4 months, the world would start to experience a food crisis. Ukraine and Russia are two of the largest exporters of food and cereal crops in the world. Disruption of production would have a knock-on effect on the production of meat and dairy foodstuffs.

The Kremlin has now adopted a policy of “scorched earth”, and at the end there will simply be nothing left of Ukrainian cities, and the scale of destruction for civilisation will be the worst since 1945.

Russia hopes to defeat Ukraine and bring it to the negotiating table under the Kremlin’s conditions. But it is clear that the Ukrainian army will defend Ukraine to the last soldier standing, so the conflict will become more and more violent. Putin cannot wage war with the whole world, but he is trying to intimidate the whole world in a desperate attempt to force the West to withdraw support for Ukraine.

Civilian Areas

Civilian areas are towns, cities, villages, residential areas, dwellings, buildings and houses and schools, kindergartens; civilian means of transportation, hospitals, medical establishments and medical units, historic monuments, places of worship and cultural property, and the natural environment are prima facie civilian objects, provided, they have not become military objectives 

  • Attacks on populated areas of Ukraine
  • Attacks on heathcare facilities (either hospitals or ambulances)
  • Attacks on civilian objects such as apartment buildings, houses, schools, kindergartens, oil and electricity facilities
  • Use of multiple rocket launcher systems to target civilian infrastructure to create panic and to force capitulation


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