Today is International Women's Day (8 March). It represents the struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men.

On this occasion AALEP is pleased to celebrate Women Lobbyists. Women have made great strides in recent years in lobbying and across the political and government board. As the ranks of women lawmakers have widened, more organizations have sought women lobbyists. Women lobbyists have some inherent strengths in this political game, because they are great mediators and facilitators. Indeed lobbying may be a more natural instinct for women.

One thing is for certain: Policymakers take female lobbyists seriously. Second, women do not have less cooperative relationships with public oficials than men. Thirdly, female lobbyists are approached by public officials for advice more frequently than male lobbyists are.  Female assimilation notwithstanding, because of their different orientations and priorities, there is no question that female lobbyists have had and continue to have a substantial impact on both the style and substance of politics. That's cause for celebration.


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