1. More convergence with Germany (New treaty to be signed between France and Germany on 22 January 2018 to reinforce cooperation between the two countries).
  2. Common Budget for a reinforced Euro Zone ( Designation of a Minister of Finance and controlled by a Parliament. Resources for this budget could come from the taxation of the digital sector, environmental taxes and one day a corporate tax once harmonization has been achieved).
  3. More tax and social convergence (Fight against social dumping by reviewing the posted workers directive; harmonization of corporate taxes (by 2020) that would engage Member States and condition access to the European Cohesion Fund; Engage in November a discussion to determine a minimum European wage and social contributions less disparate).
  4. Generalization of Erasmus ( Half of an age class to spend at least six months in another European country (students or apprentices); expand the system to high schools by setting up an harmonization process or recognition of diplomas allowing exchanges in the entire secondary European system; creation of about twenty European Universities that would deliver diplomas at the European level).
  5. One more step towards a European Defense ( Opening of French army to military personnel from all European countries to participate in intelligence, planning and support of operations; by the beginning of the next decade, establishment of a common force of intervention, common defense budget and a common defense doctrine; creation of an intelligence European academy as well as a European prosecutor’s office to fight against crime and terrorism).
  6. A tax on financial transactions for development aid ( Creation of a European asylum office and a European border police; files to be connected between the European partners in order to examine the requests for asylum; financing of a large training program for refugees; relaunch of tax on European financial transactions to finance the development policy, namely towards Africa).
  7. Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (To ensure food sovereignty in Europe, more protection, more flexibility, less bureaucracy; establishment of a European control authority to guarantee food security).
  8. Carbon tax at borders of Europe (Common base price for Carbon ton (below 25 or 30 it is not efficient); Improvement of transport interconnections between European countries and energy production); Carbon tax at borders of Europe in order to penalize foreign industries showing inferior standards.
  9. A more equitable taxation of digital giants (taxation on the basis of where turnover is made in each country and not based on profits made in low tax countries; more efficient taxation of ‘Gafa’ (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) in order to compensate for disorganizations and inequalities derived from the digital economy; creation of European disruption innovation agency and financing research in new areas such as Artificial Intelligence
  10. Transnational Lists for 2019 and less Commissioners (Introduction of transnational lists for the elections of MEPs in order to fill the 73 seats left vacant by the British MEPs; Election on the basis of transnational lists for half the Parliament in 2025; Reduction from 30 to 15 the number of Commissioners and EU founding members to first renounce their Commissioners).

In short

  1. Designation of a Minister of Finance for Eurozone.
  2. Creation of an intelligence European academy
  3. Creation of a European prosecutor’s office to fight against crime and terrorism
  4. Creation of a European asylum office
  5. Creation of a European border police
  6. Establishment of a European control authority to guarantee food security
  7. Creation of European disruption innovation agency




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