Source : VoteWatch

  1. Establishing a European Border and Coast Guard
  2. Reintroducing border controls between Member States
  3. Employers should be allowed to ban religious symbols at the work place
  4. Introducing a relocation scheme that redistributes refugees across the EU
  5. Establishing a budgetary capacity to the Eurozone
  6. Creating a program to support Member States willing to leave the Euro
  7. Implementing the banking union
  8. Ensuring greater macroeconomic coordination
  9. Renegotiating government debt in the most heavily indebted countries
  10. Cutting red tape and withdrawing burdensome legislation
  11. Calling for tax supervision at the EU level
  12. Calling on the EU to impose ambitious targets for CO2 emissions
  13. Taking actions to phase out fossil fuels subsidies
  14. Creating a European energy union
  15. Stating that Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in trade agreements undermine Member States’ power
  16. Supporting the EU-Canada CETA
  17. Setting up measures to counter anti EU propaganda by Russia
  18. Creating a European Defense Union
  19. Inserting the names of European parties on ballot papers during the European elections
  20. Calling on the Polish government to respect the judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal 

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