Total: € 81 269 000

  1. Audiovisual productions and multimedia projects: € 418 000
  2. Coverage of EU Current Affairs: € 2 533 200
  3. Measurement of media usage of audiovisual meterials offered by the European Commission: € 150 000
  4. Information Events for Journalists: € 475 000
  5. Media Library (conservation and availability to the public au audiovisual material and Web development: € 1 061 700
  6. Multimedia dissemination and archiving: € 1 524 000
  7. Transcripts of statements and speeches: € 15 000
  8. Europe Direct Information Centres: € 12 200 000
  9. Training, support and coordination of the Europe Direct Network: € 2 500 000
  10. Communication of the Representations of the European Commission in the Member States: € 14 886 000
  11. Communication actions linked to the Political Guidelines- Headquarters: € 380 000
  12. Citizens' Dialogues: € 1 080 000
  13. Evaluation(s) of Communication Actions involving commuunication agencies and Representations and Back to School Initiative: € 500 000
  14. Communication actions DG BUDGET: € 190 000
  15. European Public Spaces: € 1 246 000
  16. Visit to the Commission: € 3 900 000
  17. Operation of radio and television studios and audiovisual equipment: € 3 242 000
  18. Provision of technical infrastructure for the radio and television studios: € 1 061 600
  19. Provision of a technical infrastructure for the transmission of television services via satellite: € 853 500
  20. Purchase of audio-photo video equipment and associated services: € 515 500
  21. Supply of birectional video links and provision of services for ad hoc transmission of audio visual material: € 27 600
  22. Europe Direct Contact Centre: € 4 570 000
  23. Europa Website: € 14 140 000
  24. Websites/social media accounts and electronic and paper publications and newsletters of the Representation of the EC in the Member States: € 3 500 000
  25. Local social media: € 1 000 000
  26. Press Releases Database and other online communication information systems: € 500 000
  27. Publications on matters of topical importance including the General Report: 2 160 000
  28. Eurobarometer: € 5 090 000
  29. Media Analysis: € 1 300 000
  30. Evaluation of Eurobarometer: € 250 000

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