Press and Public Diplomacy has the crucial task of enhancing awareness of the EU in the US. It produces and distributes information materials, maintains the Delegation’s website, organizes speaking tours and deals with public inquiries. The section also maintains close contact with all US media;  produces EU Press Releases; provides the media with information and analyses of EU developments, positions and statistics.

1.Spokesperson and Head of Press and Public Diplomacy Section: James Barbour

2. Deputy Head of Press and Public Diplomacy Section: Yasmina Sioud

3. Publication Officer: Michele Bendall

Area of responsibility:

•    Content and communications strategy
•    Digital and print content development, research & writing
•    Speechwriting and editing
•    Medium (
•    EU Express – bimonthly newsletter

4. Senior Communications Officer: Martin Caudron

Area of responsibility:

•    Outreach projects within & beyond the beltway
•    Public diplomacy and communications strategy
•    Speaking Engagements
•    EU Rendez-Vous

5. Financial Program Officer: Helen Henderson

Area of responsibility:
•    Financial management of all PI and ICI Activities

6. Digital Communications Officer: Rose Kouwenhoven

Area of responsibility:
•    Digital communications strategy and digital campaigns
•    Website development
•    Social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube)
•    Online influencer relations
•    Assistance with visual design of information products

7. Outreach Officer: Sergio Lopez

Area of responsibility:
•    Internship coordinator
•    Public inquiries
•    Congressional staffers’ study trip to Brussels
•    Promotional items
•   Coordination of speaking requests and external briefings

8. Procurement and Contracts Officer: Laurence Moreaux

Area of responsibility:
•    Financial management of contracts
•    Assistance with financial management of grants

9. Press and Public Diplomacy Officer: Anna Prisco

Area of responsibility:
•    Press inquiries and media outreach
•    Media analysis
•    Audiovisual, media monitoring, and news distribution projects
•    Graduate journalism students’ study trip to Brussels
•    Support for public diplomacy activities
•    EU Visitors Program
•    EU Newsbrief

10. Program Officer: Tim Rivera

Area of responsibility:
•    Partnership Instrument: Operational & Programming Officer
•    Relationships with universities, think tanks, and civil society
•    Support of outreach and public diplomacy strategy
•    EU Fellows
•   Educational Outreach

11. Cultural Affairs Officer: Christine Vest

•   Coordinator for EU Open House, EU Film Festival, and Kids Euro Festival
•   School Outreach programs, including Euro-Challenge
•   Displays and exhibits
•   Cultural Programs and Events

12. Senior Outreach Officer: Constance Whiteside

Area of responsibility:
•    Cultural strategy
•    Conversations in Culture
•   EUNIC: EU National Institutes for Culture
•    Euro-American Cultural Foundation
•    European Month of Culture
•    EU Rendez-Vous contributor

13. Senior Press Officer: Kasper Zeuthen

Area of responsibility:
•    Media strategy and analysis
•    Press inquiries and media outreach
•    Press briefing/conferences, articles, interviews, and blogs
•    Radio underwriting

14. Press & Public Diplomacy Assistant: Francesca Milingi

Area of responsibility:
•   Organizational and administrative support to Press and Public Diplomacy staff
•   Distribution of publications
•   EUi’s liaison
•   Assistance with outreach
•   Monthly Report

15. Assistant Press Officer: Katherine Kriegel

Area of responsibility:
•    Support to press officers
•    Assistance with media monitoring and press outreach
•    Daily EU in the US Media Summary
•    Maintaining Press Database

16. Executive Secretary: Eunice Marques

Area of responsibility:

•    Organizational and administrative support to Head and Deputy Head of Press and Public Diplomacy
•    Section filling
•    ARES assistance to Section (meeting minutes, missions, registration, office supplies)
•    Leave requests

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