• Joseph Simonetti, Assignment Editor

Associated Press

  • Gregory Katz, Acting Bureau Chief

Bloomberg News

  • Emma Ross-Thomas, London Bureau Chief (Print)


  • Thomas Evans, London Bureau Chief
  • Christiane Amampour, Chief International Correspondent
  • Nic Robertson, Senior International Correspondent

Fairchild Publications

  • Samantha Conti, WWD- London Bureau Chief

Fox News

  • Kim Miller: Bureau Chief
  • Greg Palkot, Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent
  • Amy Kellogg, Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent

Market News

  • Martin Baccardax, European Managing Editor

NBC News

  • Paul Nassar, London Bureau Manager
  • Bill Neely, Chief Global Correspondent
  • Adrienne Mong, Director of International News

New York Times

  • Steven Erlanger, London Bureau Chief

Thomson Reuters

  • Paul Ingrassia, Managing Editor

Time Magazine

Washington Post

  • Griff Witte, London Bureau Chief


Associated Press

  • Angela Charlton, Acting Bureau Chief
  • Elaine Ganley, Correspondent

Bloomberg News

  • Geraldine Amiel, Paris Bureau Chief
  • Anne Swardson, Editor-at-Large
  • Gregory Viscusi,  Feature Writer
  •  Leila Abboud

The Christian Science Monitor

  • Sara Llana,  Europe Bureau Chief
  • Colette Davidson, Correspondent


  • Stephen Shankland,  Senior Writer

CNN International

  • Jim Bittermann, Senior Correspondent

The Daily Beast

  • Christopher Dickey, Foreign Editor

The International NY Times/The NY Times

  • Alissa Rubin, Paris Bureau Chief
  • Joseph Schmid Chief, News Copy Desk Europe
  •  Aurelien Breeden, Reporter/Researcher
  • Elaine Sciolino Contributing Writer, Former Bureau Chief

The Wall Street Journal

  • William Horobin, Reporter
  • John Vinocur, Opinion Page Writer


ABC News

  • Josephine Le Blond

Associated Press

  • Kirsten Grieshaber
  • Frank Jordans
  • Geir Moulson
  • Ferdinand Ostrop
  • David Rising
  • Nebojsa Starcevic

Associated Press Television News

  • Volkmar Kienöl

Bloomberg Business News

  • Rainer Bürgin
  • Patrick Donahue
  • Brian Parkin

Bloomberg News

  • Alan Crawford
  • Tony Czuczka
  • Elena Gergen-Constantine
  • Caroline Hyde
  • Benedikt Kammel
  • Naomi Kresge
  • Matthew Miller
  • Stefan Nicola
  • Christopher Reiter
  • Sarah Syed
  • Chad Thomas

Carnegie Europe

  • Judy Dempsey

Christian Science Monitor

  • Julia Sebastian


  • Atika Shubert
  • Claudia Otto

Dow Jones Newswires

  • William Boston

National Public Radio NPR

  • Soraya Nelson
  • Esme Nicholson

Reuter News

  • Andrea Shalal
  • Reinhard Becker
  • Michael Nienaber

The New York Times

  • Alison Smale
  • Melissa Eddy
  • Victor Homola

The Wall Street Journal

  • Ruth Bender
  • Bertrand Benoit
  • Friedrich Geiger
  • Andrea Thomas
  • Anton Troianovski
  • Zeke Turner
  • Marcus Walker

The Washington Post

  • Stephanie Kirchner

USA Today

  • Kim Hjelmgaard

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