1. Has the potential to be an outstanding Secretary of State
  2. Well prepared to do what is essential for the security of the United States
  3. Knows crucial regions. He knows the leaders and he understands the challenges and the risks
  4. Experience and knowledge of Russia an asset not a liability
  5. Superbly qualified and the right person at the right time
  6. An inspired choice by President-Elect Trump for this critical position. Uniquely qualified to serve in this important office
  7. Has a long, substantive list of qualifications, achievements and international relationships that make him a strong candidate to lead the U.S. State Department
  8. A serious man who understands the value of perseverance and what it takes to accomplish a difficult task
  9. Politicians should listen to him on sanctions. He knows how sanctions actually work not just how they are intended.
  10. He is right to want to see the full facts about who is responsible. He is judicious and not politically grand standing.
  11. He will strengthen U.S. global leadership
  12. An excellent choice for Secretary of State. He will bring to the post remarkable and broad international experience, a deep understanding of the global economy and a belief in America’s special role in the world
  13. An excellent choice because of his management skills and international experience
  14. Whatever friction he may encounter in the wind tunnel of change he is likely to do well and bring a perspective not often seen in the Capitol
  15. Has broad experience and established relationships throughout the world. They will be of enormous value as the new Administration develop its foreign policy strategy and approach

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