• Senior Advisor : Jared Kushner (Trump’s son in law)
  • Senior Advisor to the President: Stephen Miller (Trump loyalist and Head of the Economic Policy Team. Currently National Policy Director for the Trump transition. Stephen Miller is a Jeff Sessions Aide who was a member of Donald Trump’s campaign and transition team. He has also been picked to write the inaugural address.
  • Senior Counselor to the President & White House Strategist: Steve Bannon (Former Executive Chair of Breitbart News Website)
  • Counselor to the President: Kellyanne Conway (Former GOP pollster, served as Trump’s campaign manager)
  • Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus (Former Chairman of the Republican National Committee)
  • Deputy White House Chief of Staff: Katie Walsh (Former Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee and Priebus’ second in command)
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (Management & Administration, Advance, Security and the Military Office): Joe Hagin (Veteran of George W. Bush administration, serving as President Bush’s Deputy Chief of Staff from 2001 until summer of 2008.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative, Intergovernmental Affairs and Implementation: Rick Dearborn (Worked as the Chief of Staff of Senator Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General. Previously, he was Assistant Secretary of Energy for Congressional Affairs in the George W. Bush Administration. He has worked on Capitol Hill for 25 years)
  • White House Press Secretary: Sean Spicer (Former Communications Director of the Republican National Committee)
  • Director of Strategic Communications: Hope Hicks (Served as Trump’s Press Secretary throughout the campaign. Background in public relations and worked for Ivanka Trump in 2012)
  • Assistant to the President and Director of Social Media: Dan Scavino (Served as the Social Media Director throughout the Trump presidential campaign)
  • Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs: Marc Short (Previously worked for billionaire Republican donors Charles and David Koch. Was also an advisor to Marc Rubio, Trump’s Republican rival)
  • Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel: John DeStefano (Previously an aide to former House Speaker John Boehner)
  • Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism: Thomas Bossert (Deputy Homeland Security Advisor under George W. Bush)
  • Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison: Omarosa Manigault ( Served as the Trump Campaign’s Director of African-American outreach)
  • Assistant to President and Chief of Staff to the Vice-President: Josh Pitcock (Longtime Mike Pence aide who worked for Pence while he was in the House of Representatives. When Pence became the Governor of Indiana, Pitcock was Indiana’s Lobbyist in Washington DC. Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, Pitcock also served as Senior Policy Adviser to Mike Pence)
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Vice President: Jen Pavlik (Previously worked with Vice-President Mike Pence; Was Pence’s Director of Operations during Mike Pence’s time as the Governor of Indiana)
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations: Keith Schiller (Trump’s private Security Director)
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Advance: George Gigicos (Trump Loyalist organized Trump’s rallies)
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Communications Director: Jessica Ditto (Was Deputy Communications Director during the Trump campaign. Was the Communications Director for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin).
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Communications Director and Research Director: (Raj Shah ( During the 2016 election, served as the Head of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee).
  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Political Director: Bill Stepien (Worked as the Chief of Staff for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie)
  • Special Assistant to the President and Personal Aide to the President: John McEntee (Worked as a Production Assistant at Fox News before leaving to join the Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2015)

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