Nicolas Sarkozy: Yes to Treaty Change, No to EU Referendum

  1. The peoples' disengagement vis-à-vis Europe is a major concern for all EU countries.
  2. The debate over Brexit is an opportunity for a deep re-found of Europe. France should take the lead and propose changing the EU Treaties right after the French presidential election next year.
  3. Lay the foundations of a Schengen II, because Schengen I is dead. Create a Euro-Schengen i.e. a government of Schengen comprised of the Interior Ministers of the participating Member States, with a stable President, who would have authority over the EU's border agency Frontex. Joining Schengen II will imply the prior adoption of a common migration policy, notably including the harmonization of social benefits granted to asylum seekers in order to avoid social tourism. 
  4. Establish a Secretary General who would be a real Director of the European Treasury in order to favour the coordination of Eurozone Member States' economic policies.
  5. Turn the Eurozone Bailout Fund (EBF) into a European Monetary Fund and withdraw the IMF from the eurozone.
  6. The EU deals with too many policy areas It must focus on the internal market (agriculture, energy, trade etc.) All the rest must be returned to the sovereignty of Member States.

Alain Juppé: Caution over Treaty change, EU Referendum is not for today.

  1. Stop the EU enlargement
  2. Redefine the boundaries of competences, because the European institutions cannot continue to produce so many norms and laws. The subsidiarity principle must finally be applied by redefining the boundaries between the EU, which must take care of the essential, and the Member States, which must regain control.
  3. Relaunch the Eurozone with more tax and social convergence, but also through a big investment plan targeted at innovation and digital transition.
  4. Renegotiate an agreement on borders, because Schengen is not working anymore. Ask partners a question of confidence: who really wants to control borders and is ready to contribute to a European border guard?
  5. A Europeana army is not for tomorrow, but we can mutualise our means and cooperate with five or six European countries in the defence sector.

François Fillon: No to the Europe of technocrats, EU Referendum only after new Treaty

  1. Europe should be refocused on some strategic opportunities. All the rest must be returned to the competence of Member States. Subsidiarity and variable geometry to prevail over current uniformity.
  2. Reach the political stage of the euro, with the organisation of a parliamentary representation, the appointment of a permanent Eurozone Finance Minister, and the undertaking of the process of tax harmonization for Eurozone businesses.

France under a centre-right President could become a very different actor in Europe. It would seek the repatriation of a number of EU powers to national capitals and the reform of Schengen. It would be willing to change the EU Treaties, although Juppé is more cautious than the others on this issue. More importantly, except for Sarkozy, it would potentially be prepared to hold a referendum on a new EU Treaty - after skipping the one on the Lisbon Treaty. 


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