1. Full commitment to implementing the EU-Turkey statement as well as continued support to the countries of the Western Balkans.
  2. Commitment by a number of Member States to offer immediate assistance to strengthen the protection of Bulgaria's border with Turkey, and continue support to other frontline States.
  3. Before the end of the year, full capacity for rapid reaction of the European Border and Coast Guard, now signed into law.
  4. Migration compacts for cooperation and dialogue with third countries to lead to reduced flows of illegal migration and increased return rates, to be assessed by the December European Council.
  5. Work to be continued to broaden EU consensus in terms of long term migration policy, including on how to apply the principles of responsibility and solidarity in the future.
  6. Intensified cooperation and information-exchange among security services of the Member States.
  7. Adoption of the necessary measures to ensure that all persons, including nationals from EU Member States, crossing the Union's external borders will be checked against the relevant databases, that must be interconnected.
  8. Start to set up a Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to allow for advance checks and, if necessary, deny entry of visa-exempt travelers.
  9. A systematic effort against radicalization, including through expulsions and entry bans where warranted as well as EU support to Member States' actions in prevention.
  10. December European Council to decide on a concrete implementation plan on security and defense and on how to make better use of the options in the Treaties, especially as regards capabilities.
  11. Start implementing the joint declaration with NATO immediately.
  12. In December: decision on extension of the European Fund for Strategic Investment in light of evaluation.
  13. Spring 2017 European Council: review progress as regards delivering on the different Single Market strategies (including Digital Single Market, Capital Markets Union, Energy Union).
  14. October European Council to address how to ensure a robust trade policy that reaps the benefits of open markets while taking into account concerns of citizens.
  15. In December - decisions on EU support for Member States in fighting youth unemployment and on enhanced EU programs dedicated to youth

Way ahead

- Deliver on promises: strengthen the mechanism for reviewing the implementation of decisions taken. Loyal co-operation and communication of Member States and institutions.

- Bratislava is the beginning of a process. The coming formal European Council meetings will allow for concrete follow up on the themes mentioned here. The Heads of the 27 will meet informally at the beginning of 2017 in Valletta. The March 2017 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties will bring together Heads in Rome and will be used to round off the process launched in Bratislava, and set out orientations for our common future together.

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