Submitted by christian on Tue, 05/24/2016 - 12:34
1. Agenda Setting
- Information Sharing: Provision of up-to-date accurate and timely information in an accessible format for all interested parties.
- Procedures: Develop and adhere to a transparent decision-making process. Provide clear, open and accessible procedures for participation.
- Resource Provision: Enable the active participation of civil society through for example, budgetary provision, in-kind support or administrative services.
- Responsiveness: Ensure active involvement of relevant public authority representatives; listen, react and give feedback.
2. Drafting
- Information Sharing: Provision of timely and comprehensive information on current consultation processes.
- Procedures: Develop and adhere to minimum consultation standards, such as clear objectives, rules for participation, timelines, contracts etc. Organise open consultation meetings, including invitation to all potential stakeholders.
- Resource Provision: Provide adequate timelines and means for consultation to ensure participation of different levels of civil society.
- Responsiveness: Ensure active involvement of relevant public authority representatives; listen, react and give feedback to consultation responses.
3. Decision
- Information Sharing: Provide information on policies currently in the decision-making process.
- Procedures: Offer and follow procedures for co-decision mechanisms where applicable.
- Resource Provision: Enable and support the active participation of civil society by associating NGOs in the decision step.
- Responsiveness: Listen, take into consideration and respond to civil society input.
4. Implementation
- Information Sharing: Provide information on implementation strategies, public tendering procedures and project guidelines.
- Procedures: Follow established rules and regulations for policy implementation.
- Resource Provision: Enable the active participation of civil society in the implementation step through for example, budgetary provision, in-kind support or administrative services.
- Responsiveness: Be available and react to specific needs arising from circumstances around policy implementation.
5. Monitoring
- Information Sharing: Provide information on current policy status.
- Responsiveness: Listen, and react to specific points raised by NGOs and civil society.
6. Reformulation
- Information Sharing: Provision of information on possible review of policy and their perception of changes needed in policy.
- Procedures: Provide clear, open and accessible process for participation.
- Resource Provision: Enable and support the active participation of civil society.
- Responsiveness: Listen and act on input from NGOs.
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