Within a trade association or professional society’s membership, the disenfranchised are also referred to as the grumblers, the fringe, the disconnected, the malcontent, and the contrarians. How do you reel in the self-exiled members before they quit your organization? Asking the questions below will cause an honest discussion around the topic of member engagement.

1. Do you know what really matters to the disconnected members and have you attempted to deliver what they want?  

2. Are the disenfranchised members really grumbling contrarians or do they simply want different kinds of value, value that is not as easily delivered?  For many in association or society leadership, going the course is always the safe direction. However, to grow your organization, you must consider the needs of those that fall to the wake of the mainstream.  At the end of the day, to keep members engaged in an organization, they must receive value. The value might be that of, being valued or that of other more tangible issues regardless, the value must be received.

3. Do you allow your organization’s Past President ' Good  Old Boys’ Club' to be the organization’s puppet master? The puppet master is the person or persons behind the scene that pull the strings controlling the puppets. The insidiousness of this puppet master dynamic is that for many who want to make a difference, they would just as soon not make waves. And, for the  member, that does try to rise above, the puppet master cuts off the member, down to the level of the rest. 

4. Are your board members continually seeking to deliver more perceived value to the organization’s members?  Many associations are riddled with volunteer leaders that want the privileges and stature of a board member position but are unwilling to accept the same responsibility and perform their duties in a timely manner. There are also plenty of paid staffers that are on cruise control, enjoying the comfortable ride. To continually deliver more member value means to get off cruse control and take some risks.

5. Are you trying to serve the members or are you trying to perpetuate the association’s legacy (the past president’s good old boy club)?

Associations for the most part are composed of 

  1. 2%  “Leaders” (current leaders)
  2. 5-10% “Doers” (future leaders)
  3. 15-20% “Do Somethingers” (part-timers)
  4. 68-78% “Belongers” (invisible)

Look around and see who is doing the work, and who is not. If you are not a part of the solution, you may be a part of the problem.

And remember that volunteering to help doesn’t buy you another 10th of a second in your child's 50 Free, but it will place you in a place of respect and leadership.



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