Submitted by christian on Wed, 09/30/2015 - 11:38
- Existence of attractive tourist destinations such as Paris, Rome, Barcelona, London, Amsterdam
- Cultural diversity
- High convenience for travel and highly developed tourism facilities
- Tourism as an engine of growth and employment
- Adequate resources to create high quality products
- Strong distribution network with different contacts with customers
- Variation in supply
- Existence of strong accommodation facilities and tour operators
- Stability and safety of Europe as a tourism destination
- Wide range of large and small festivals and events
- Niche products particularly heritage and culture
- Highly seasonal use of facilities and labour
- The age ratio is older than other regions in the world
- High turnover of staff
- Unattractive marketing strategies of tourist destinations in Europe
- Inefficient quality of services in Europe compared to other regions in the world
- Insufficient co-ordination of value chain
- Low innovation and lack of regular and high quality statistics
- Insufficient managerial skills
- Inflexibility to cope with changes in tourism demand
- Low labour productivity
- Integrated web marketing
- Potential tourism marketing budget increase when combined in EU and national levels
- Cultural tourism potential
- Growing income levels in developing countries
- Changes and development in ICT
- Demographic change (growing middle and older age market)
- Increasing importance of environmental concerns
- Potential demand for innovative products
- Develop rural experiences and unusual venues to attract new audiences in leisure and business markets
- Encourage more characterful serviced accommodation and a unique range of local dining facilities.
- Too much focus on marketing, not enough on product development
- The effects of visa restrictions on touristic mobility
- Fragmented nature of tourism trade
- High levels of global competition
- Lack of appropriate educational programmes
- Existence of low cost business models in many enterprises
- Bureaucratic difficulties in regulatory framework
- Insufficient access to finance
- The sensitive characteristic of tourism (in case of economic crisis or slow down)
- Global warming and climate change
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