As of March 2013, the tourism portfolio falls under the direct responsibility of the Minister for Tourism. This Ministry is responsible for the formulation of tourism policy, for driving and monitoring its implementation at a national level. The Ministry is also responsible for the Aviation.

The Malta Tourism Authority’s (MTA) responsibilities range from marketing Malta as a tourist destination; tourism product planning and development; development of human resources; and ensuring that standards are adhered to through legal enforcement.

 MTA seeks to:

  • Promote and advance Malta as a tourist destination;
  • Advise Government on tourism operations and on the sustainable development of the tourism industry;
  • Issue licences under the Malta Travel and Tourism Services Act (1999) which from its end is in line with the various European Directive, such as the Services Directive, Timeshare and Package Travel Directives, amongst others;
  • Monitor, classify and control the licensing of and the standards provided by tourism operations;
  • Contribute towards the improvement of the level of human resources in the tourism industry;
  • Advise Government on the planning and development of the tourism industry as well as on the infrastructure supporting the industry;
  • Undertake and organise activities and projects as it may consider appropriate in connection with the performance of its function.

The Malta Tourism Authority falls under the responsibility of the Ministry for Tourism

 The Ministry for Tourism and the Malta Tourism Authority maintain close ties with:

  • the Institute for Tourism Studies which provides training in the hospitality industry;
  • the National Commission for Persons with Disability which provides guidance re the adaptation of buildings for accessibility;
  • the Malta Environment and Planning Authority which is responsible for land use and regulation in Malta;
  • the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association which is the association for Malta Hotels and Restaurants;
  • the Federated Association of Travel & Tourism Agents;
  • Professional Diving Schools Association which is a stakeholder in the growing diving niche;
  • the Federation of English Language Teaching Organisations which is a stakeholder in the flourishing English language teaching niche market;
  • the Association of General Retailers and Traders which is the trade union for general retailers and traders;
  • Heritage Malta which is the national agency for museums, conservation practice and cultural heritage;
  • Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority on issues concerning consumer protection;
  • Gozo Tourism Association


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