The EU-Ukraine Business Council is an independent CEO-level forum for European and Ukrainian business leaders that is set up as a non-profit making organisation in order to promote trade and investment between the EU and Ukraine, to assist companies to develop business opportunities, to promote dialogue between governments and companies to help solve market access difficulties and overcome regulatory obstacles both for Ukrainian businesses in the EU and EU businesses in Ukraine.

Aims and Objectives

The main objectives of the EU Ukraine Business Council are:

  • to promote an open dialogue between the government of Ukraine and EU with business at various levels
  • to assist business to overcome market access difficulties and regulatory obstacles both in Ukraine and the EU
  • to assist members to develop business opportunities
  • to create networking opportunities for members that enable them to expand their contacts and find business partners

Legal Structure

The Council’s Secretariat is the Executive component, supported by a group of core sponsors, members and advisers who together help to shape the forward work programme.

EUUBC is registered as an aisbl under Belgian Law and has a full-time dedicated executive in Brussels and in Kyiv.


The EU Ukraine Business Council provides a wide range of communication services including the following: conferences, round tables, seminars, and business networking meetings. The propositions developed as the result of these activities will be submitted to both the Ukrainian Government and the European Commission.

The Council also provides informational support, including research on into economic, political, trade, regulatory, commercial and market defence issues. It provides members with a news monitoring service for EU/Ukrainian trade news relating to market access and/or regulatory issues.

The EUUBC has an EU advisory unit for Ukrainian businesses to make contact with the European Commission, European Parliament and other agencies.

Core Members

  • System Capital Management (SCM)
  • AgriChmaber
  • University of East London
  • PepsiCo
  • Atlantic Group
  • Milkiland NV
  • Softengi Intecracy Group
  • Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • First International Resources
  • SigmaBleyzer
  • Top4Parking
  • UKRVin.Kiev

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