In October 2014, the Montenegro's government  approved a new bill that imposes limits, rules and penalties on lobbying. With penalties of up to € 20,000, the government aims to curb lobbying-related corruption in the public sector - the illegal involvement of public officials, failures to report contacts with lobbyists, as well as receipts of gifts and services.

Under the new law state civil servants will now be required to submit reports to the National Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative within five days of their having a contact with a lobbyist. The official note will be also published on the website of the Directorate.

The Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative, points out that the law on lobbying establishes a new institution in the legal system, which will serve as a legitimate and desirable form of influence in the decision-making process. Because this law is aligned with best international practices and standards, institutions will fight corruption more efficiently and their work will be more transparent.

Although no single lobbying firm is actually registered in Montenegro, under the new law, any firms working in this field in the future can expect strict rules on obtaining work permits, on their methods of collecting information and on reporting on contacts and income.

The Association of lobbyists of Montenegro has welcomed the adoption of  the new legal framework but expresses doubt about the possibility of a public register controlling all activities that can be defined as lobbying.

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