According to the Economist, the economic growth of Vietnam in the 2011-2015 period is expected to reach an average 7.2% per year thanks to the strong growth of consumer, investment and exports.
European businesses are more and more optimistic about Vietnam's environment. and have great expectations of doing business in the country. BNParisbas forecasts that Vietnam's economy will grow 6.5% this year. The figures for Vietnam are impressive: Last year
6.9 Million Tons of rice were exported representing a $ 3.23 billion turnover, $ 11 billion worth of garments were exported, 5 million tourists visited the country, $ 228 trillion dong were poured in eal estate, and the country received $ 11 billion Foreign Direct Investments.
Professional lobbyists are gaining ground in Vietnam as shifting laws give stakeholders a larger say in policy making. Authorities become more open to the role professional lobbyists can play in formulating laws. New law have been introduced requiring policy makers to carry out impact assessments of new laws while also proposing solutions for possible risks and consulting public opinion on the new measures. Yet, Vietnam lacks professional lobbying organizations to convey information ''accurately and effectively'' to the government; lobbying is distorted by corruption, bribery and wheeling and dealing; and the administration system is too cumbersome making it difficult for lobbyists to identify who they need to lobby. To improve lobbying activities in Vietnam , the government needs to simplify the administration system and create personal responsibility within the government machinery.
This said, AALEP is particularly bullish about the prospects for professional government relations in Vietnam with most of the activities being concentrated in both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
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