AALEP President Christian D. de Fouloy will meet in Brussels tomorrow with the recently appointed Chair of the Committee on Government Relations (Mr. Oleg Rumyantsev) of the Russian Public Relations Association (PACO). According to Mr. Rumyantsev 'In Russia there is no association of lobbyists and the need for institutionalization in our industry is long overdue'. Strategic objectives of the Russian Committee on Government Relations include the following:
1. Work on the consolidation of the industry. Interaction with the staff of the leading lobbying firms, Government Relations departments and divisions of companies that are independent lobbyists, Government Relations managers from the regions with the aim of consolidating the lobbying community in Russia. Coordination with the Committees on Government Relations' leading business associations in Russia. The Committee as the aggregator and the binding structure of the Government Relations Russian communit;. 2. The development and adoption of a code of ethics for Lobbyists/Professional Relations with public authorities/Government Relations managers; 3. Creating a network of cells of the Committee- Government Relations clubs in schools and regions, in collaboration with industry associations; 4. Participation in the finalization and adopting of the Federal Lobbying Law to regulate lobbying activities under the Initiative of the President of the Russian Federation to fight corruption; It should be noted that AALEP has lent its support for the implementation of a 'Russian Transparency Initiative' (RTI) and the meeting will reinforce the need for a closer interaction of the Government Relations Russian community with European counterparts as part of an exchange of experiences and best practices.
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