Lobbying is often misperceived by the public as a form of legalized corruption. Critics argue that the lack of transparency, exacerbated by the influence of lobbyists, hinders the democratic legitimacy of law-making. However, such a pre-judgment is based on exaggerated assumptions and therefore, draws false conclusions on the influence and power of lobbyists.
First and foremost, the public currently does not have a comprehensive definition of lobbying per se. First, the art of lobbying enhances the competition of convictions. Through the constructive process of debate, the correct path can be found with the guarantee that the stronger and better-qualified arguments will dictate the decision-making process. The fallacious public opinion assumes that all lobbyists are part of a cabal, collaborating on vicious schemes against the public interests. However, it is often forgotten that competition within the lobbying industry is, in fact, fierce and cruel. Second, lobbying bridges the private sector with the political and legislative realm. Because the private sector uses a language different from the political spectrum (profit incentive vs. pursuit of public good), the task of a lobbyist is to mediate between these two sides using a language that both are capable of understanding. Furthermore, given the constraints of policy-makers’ resources -most notably time- obtaining relevant data and empirical knowledge is limited. Therefore, the role of the lobbyist initiative is to provide such critical information, which would otherwise be difficult to acquire. After all, the most important aspect of policy-making is the use of knowledge that is available.
Admittedly, the general public has stigmatized the lobbying industry with the help of myopic journalism. Whenever journalists write about the power of lobbyists, they have rarely spoken directly to the people involved in the process. Nor have they been present in the negotiations between the stakeholders. Therefore, the media has a tendency to exacerbate different cases without concrete evidence or facts. Furthermore, journalists have little incentive to investigate highly successful projects, which were established through the effective collaboration of the legislative and lobbying bodies. Such a detrimental attitude is bound to create a myriad of biased conclusions, which unfortunately, dictate the public view. Perhaps the inconvenient truth for many is that the world benefits from good decision-makers, who are connected to various stakeholders’ views, experiences and recommendations. Consequently, effective lobbying may in fact drastically reduce the probability of information asymmetries between the parties involved. Nevertheless, measuring the success of lobbying is seldom possible in terms of quantitative tools. The only evidence of effective lobbying is the decision-makers’ consistent acceptance of valid and quality argumentations from the lobbying bodies.
Citizens, businesses, NGOs and civil servants have the responsibility to avoid accepting government proposals or lobbyist arguments without an active participation. In other words, nothing should be taken only on its face value. Furthermore, lobbying always involves at least two entities: the lobbyist and the lobbied. Therefore, lobbying should be considered as a pivotal part of “good governance”, which sheds light on the topic, project or legislation that is being lobbied. Unfortunately, the public suffers from an intellectual inertia, which assumes, that lobbying always and necessarily has a proclivity to pursue only the interests of the private sector.
Media reports claim that there are around 30,000 lobbyists in Brussels, almost as many as there are staff at the Commission, and that these 'shadowy activists', as one news story put it, can influence up to 75% of EU legislation. Given these figures, it is easy to see why European citizens might be disillusioned with the EU: if this were true, it would mean that the institutions that are meant to put citizens at the very heart of what they do would be doing entirely the opposite. Thankfully, of course, this is far from being the case. It seems to me that the presumption is that any Commission or Parliament official talking to a lobby group or interest representative is automatically in their pay, representing their interests. And yet, meetings between officials and stakeholders on a wide range of policy areas, and representing every side of the argument, take place on a daily basis in Brussels. How else can the Commission – as the main proposer of legislation – ensure that it does intelligently and effectively, in a balanced way that tries to take into account all points of view? Would critics prefer that the Commission remained entirely aloof, taking decisions that could affect millions of Europeans, without bothering to ask about the potential repercussions?
Without lobbying, the interests of a very large group of people would be lost in the process of law-making. Lobbying enforces the democratic debate and is an important component of a healthy democracy. Lobbying is a good thing, if it is practiced in an ethical way. For MEP’s losing lobbyists would be like losing their third eye. Lobbyists are able to provide legislators with independent researches to protect the interest of the public, presented in a very digestible way. Criticized or praised, effective or ineffective, whether it is well done or not, even with adverse effects, the lobby activity has been present in the life of every society no matter what name it was called. There were always individual or common voices that tried to change something that they did not like using arguments or personal influence.
It’s essential to understand what lobby is about, because this activity involves a serious documentation and solid research. The most effective lobbying activities are those that provide both arguments and scientific and technical elements for taking the decision or change certain policies and as long as we use it for a good perception in a right way and we have nothing to hide, practicing lobby is a respectable job
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