External Relations

  1. Regaining our freedom and the control of our destiny by returning to the French people its sovereignty (monetary, legislative, territorial, économics). For this a negotiation will be undertaken with our European partners followed by a referendum on our belonging to the European Union. The objective is to reach a European project that is respectful of France’s independence, national sovereignties and that serves the people’s interests.
  2. Reestablish national borders and leave the Schengen area (a particular arrangement will be implemented for cross-border workers to facilitate their border crossing). Replenish the ranks that were removed in customs by recruiting 6000 agents during the quinquennium.
  3. Support French enterprises facing unfair international competition by the implementation of an intelligent protectionism and the reestablishment of our national currency that is adapted to our economy, lever of our competitiveness.
  4. In order to ensure the protection of consumers and fair competition, prohibit the importation and the sale of products coming from abroad that don’t respect the standards imposed on French producers. In parallel support the ‘Made in France’ by a mandatory, clear and fair label on the origin of products and commodities commercialized in France.
  5. Introduce a real economic patriotism by freeing ourselves from the European constraints and by reserving public procurement to French enterprises if the difference in price is reasonable. Reserve a part of public procurement to SMEs.
  6. Abolish on our territory the posting of workers directive that creates an inadmissible unfair competition. Impose an additional tax on hiring foreign salaried workers in order to effectively give national priority to hiring French people.
  7. Ensure the protection of strategic and promising growth sectors by a control of foreign investments that affect national interests thanks to an Economic Surety Authority. Create under the supervision of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations a sovereign fund with the double mission to protect the enterprises from vulture funds or hostile takeover bids and acquire holdings in promising growth sectors.
  8. Denounce the tax conventions with Gulf countries that grant undue privileges and facilitate the takeover of the French economy by petrodollars and that are contrary to national interest.
  9. Deny access to public procurement to multinationals that practice tax evasion and refuse to regularize their situation.
  10. Leave the integrated military command of NATO so that France is not drawn into wars that are not of its own.
  11. Engage France toward  a multipolar world founded on the equal rights of nations, their permanent concertation and the respect of their independence. Base international policy on the principle of realism and return to France its role of stability and balance power.
  12. Reinforce the links between the people that share French as a language.
  13. Implement a real co-development policy with African countries giving priority to development aid for primary school, improvement of agricultural systems and reinforcement of defense and security tools.
  14. Apply economic patriotism on French agricultural products in order to immediately support our farmers and fishermen, in particular through public procurement (State and communities).
  15. Turn the Common Agricultural Policy into French Agricultural Policy. Guarantee the amount of subsidies the criteria of which will be decided by France and no longer by the European Union with the objective of saving and supporting the French model of  family farms.
  16. Refuse the free trade treaties (TTIP, CETA, Australia, New Zealand etc.).Develop short supply chains from production to consumption by reorganizing the sectors.
  17. In order to preserve the environment, discard the economic model founded on the unbridled global free trade and social, sanitary and environmental dumping. True ecology should be based on producing and consuming as closely as possible and reprocessed locally.

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