AALEP would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Dorel EPURE from Romania. Dorel is currently the Managing Partner of the Bucharest Law Firm Epure, Lizac & Associates that provides legal consultancy and public policy advocacy services to private and public organisations. Dorel is a lawyer possessing over 18 years of experience in the field of applied law, out of which 14 years were dedicated to the area of Intellectual Property Law, with a focus on copyright (authors' rights) and related rights. Dorel has advised or worked for organisations in several states of the United States of America and several countries of Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russian Federation), as well as India and China.Currently his general objective is to concentrate on the manner in which the various EU statutory and case law interact with the national law systems in the area of copyright and related rights and determine the degree and effect of EU law harmonisation on such law systems, with a view to contribute to a better structuring and predictability of outcome of such harmonisation.His specific goal is to contribute to the standards and manner of operation of the multitude of collecting societies which currently manage authors and performers rights in Europe and establish close ties with a number of such societies with a view to establish long term attorney-client relationships.

Dorel's involvement in public policy advocacy relates to the necessity to expand the representation of Romanian interests in Brussels and to raise knowledge about the European Union decision-making process so Romania can make its voice better heard and increase its networking capacity.



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