The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine coordinates the support for these immediate financing needs of Ukraine and future economic recovery and reconstruction needs across different sources and established instruments for financing. Its goal is also to direct resources in a coherent, transparent, and inclusive manner, enabling efficient planning and delivery of assistance to Ukraine and avoiding duplication.

In particular, on the medium-term, the Platform will work closely with Ukrainian authorities to define, prioritise, and sequence strategic needs within the recovery process. It will coordinate economic assistance in line with Ukraine’s reform ambitions, in line with the conditions for financing and structural support of the major donors, and in line with its European path. In this regard, it will coordinate international efforts to support a sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and green economic recovery which enhances strong democratic institutions, rule of law, and anti-corruption measures.


  1. EU (27)
  2. G7 Countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA)
  3. Republic of Korea
  4. Netherlands
  5. Norway
  6. Sweden 

New Observers (February 2024)

  1. Denmark
  2. Estonia
  3. Latvia
  4. Lithuania 
  5. Poland
  6. Spain

New Observers (April 2024)

  1. Belgium
  2. Finland
  3. Switzerland

Financial Institutions and Organizations

  1. European Investment Bank
  2. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  3. International Monetary Fund
  4. World Bank
  5. Council of Europe Development Bank
  6. International Finance Corporation
  7. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 

The Platform is supported by a Secretariat, which is in a Brussels office hosted by the European Commission, and in a Kyiv office hosted by the Government of Ukraine.


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