AALEP has elaborated the Questionnaire here below in an attempt to map the skills, knowledge and personal attributes of current GR Practitioners, as defined by them. In particular, the Questionnare will draw out what practitioners believe to be essential skills, knowledge and personal attributes for the GR Practice.This will help also draw conclusions as to which skills and types of knowledge form broader ‘competencies’ within particular cultures across Europe. Such a pan-European study has not been conducted before.

Responses to the Questionnaire should remain anonymous and confidential and will only be combined with many others to learn about overall responses. Respondents are only required to indicate their Current Title, Education Level, Age, and Years in GR

Questions for Practitioners

  1. What skills do you think you need for your GR (lobbying) Practice ? What knowledge do you think you need for that?
  2. Are there any skills you would like to develop? If so, which ones?
  3. Is there any knowledge you would like to develop? If so, which one ?
  4. Are there specific skills not related to your role as a GR Practitioner (Lobbyist) that you would like to develop?
  5. Is there anything not related to your role as a GR Practitioner that you would like to spend time learning?
  6. Is there anything that you have mentioned that is specific to your country? Why?
  7. What qualities do you think you have that make good at your job?
  8. Which competencies do you think should be taught in GR education/training programmes ?
  9. Which competencies do you think aspirant GR Practitioners should possess to enter the profession ?
  10. Is there anyone (colleague, family, friend, famous etc) who has qualities you admire? Do you feel you use these qualities in your job as GR specialist?
  11. Is there anything that you have mentioned that is specific to this country? Why?
  12. What does being competent mean to you?
  13. What do you feel you possess that makes you competent in your job?

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