Submitted by christian on Sat, 05/23/2015 - 19:23
- Has the board defined and agreed on objectives?
- Has the board agreed on exactly what will be asked for, the optimum outcome, and the minimum acceptable outcome?
- Has the board defined success and failure?
- Have you determined the budget for the campaign?
- Have you determined the human resources needed, including staff, and volunteers?
- Have you determined the probable duration of campaign?
- Have you identified who will lead the campaign?
- Have you identified who will be the spokesperson(s)?
- Have you set a timeline for the campaign?
- Have you identified key officials and politicians, including: officials with responsibility in the area in which you are campaigning; officials with decision-making powers; hierarchy of officials in the department; government ministers and junior ministers, Members of Parliament, Senators; Members of committee and their party affiliations; politicians who have spoken on your topic in the past (can be word searched from many parliament records); key politicians at national and regional/state level ; members who reside in key constituencies (can be used for access to politicians at a local level)?
- Have you compiled a media list of: national newspaper, television, and radio contacts; political correspondents from major national newspapers, radio and television stations; contacts in regional newspapers, radio, and television outlets; contacts in the professional political press and from relevant internet sites.
The submission
- Have you gathered necessary data, including: internal data, reports, and statistics; comparative data from other countries; global statistics and guidelines; other sources, such as journals, experts?
- Have you developed alliances with other groups/organizations that relate to your issue
- Have you prepared a clearly written, well argued submission for government?
- Has the board approved the submission?
- Have you defined counter-arguments which may be used to refuse your requests, and prepared data and arguments to refute them?
- Have you prepared a one-page summary for other politicians, journalists, and your members and your members and supporters
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