1. To reinvent the European economy through a 'Green New Deal' by ending austerity, restructuring public and private debt and investing massively in sustainable sectors and technologies.

2. To create a more social Europe with stronger workers' rights, better portability of social rights through a 'European Social Card' and the inclusion of employment promotion among the European Central Bank's policy objectives.

3. To rein the financial sector via a ban on dangerous financial products, the separation of investment and commercial banking and the creation of a strong European Banking Union.

4. To protect the planet by agreeing to strong and binding CO2 emission targets, a common European energy policy, phasing out nuclear and coal power, ending subsidies for fossil fuels and banning shale gas.

5. To promote gender equality by setting clear and binding targets and adopting EU legislation to address gender-based violence.

6. To fight for a fairer tax system by setting an EU minimum tax rate to prevent unfair tax competition, ending banking secrecy rules to fight tax evasion and implementing a financial transactions tax.

7. To guarantee online liberties through a digital bill of rights to protect privacy personal data and net neutrality.

8. To deepen European integration by strengthening the European Parliament and giving it control over all futue EU bailouts, increasing the EU budget and working towards debt mutualisation via common Eurobonds.

9. To support a more ethical foreign policy by declaring a formal end to the 'War on Terror', banning weapons such as depleted uranium ammunition and cracking down on the arms trade.

10. To avoid a 'Fortress Europe' by making Europe a fair haven for refugees and keeping its door open to future enlargement of the EU.

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