Negotiations can result in different types of trade agreements:

  1. Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs)
  2. Association Agreements (AAs)
  3. Stabilisation Agreements (SAs)
  4. (Deep and Comprehensive) Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
  5. Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
  6. Customs Union (CUs)

Partnership and Cooperation Agreements provide a general framework for bilateral economic  relation  without  eliminating  or  reducing  custom  tariffs.  PCA  establish  the basic  common objectives in the field of political dialogue, trade, energy, transport, environment, science and technology, justice and home affairs. In relation to business, they have non-preferential character.

Association Agreements, Stabilisation Agreements, Free Trade Agreements and  Economic  Partnership  Agreements remove  or  reduce  custom  tariffs  in  bilateral  case. The EU has concluded a number of important trade agreements with trading partners and is in the process  of  negotiating  agreements  with  many  more.  FTA  are  designed  to  create  opportunities  by opening new markets for goods and services, increasing investment opportunities, making trade cheaper, by eliminating substantially all customs duties, making trade faster, by facilitating goods’ transit through customs and setting common rules on technical and sanitary standards, making the policy environment more predictable, by taking joint commitments on areas that affect trade such as intellectual property rights, competition rules and the framework for public purchasing decisions.

Customs unions eliminate customs duties in bilateral trade and establish a joint customs tariff for foreign importers.

Trade Agreements

  1. Albania (Western Balkans): Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  2. Algeria: Association Agreement
  3. Andorra: Customs Union
  4. Antigua and Barbuda (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  5. Armenia: Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement
  6. Azerbaijan: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
  7. Bahamas (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  8. Barbados (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  9. Belize (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans): Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  11. Botswana (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement
  12. Cameroon (Central Africa): Interim Economic Partnership Agreement
  13. Canada: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
  14. Chile: Association Agreement and Additional Protocol
  15. Colombia (with Ecuador and Peru): Trade agreement
  16. Comoros (ESA): Interim Economic Partnership Agreement
  17. Costa Rica (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  18. Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa): Stepping stone Economic Partnership Agreement
  19. Dominica (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  20. Dominican Republic (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  21. Ecuador (with Colombia and Peru): Trade Agreement
  22. Egypt: Association Agreement
  23. El Salvador (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  24. Eswatini (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement
  25. Faroe Islands: Agreement
  26. Fiji (Pacific): Interim Partnership Agreement
  27. Georgia: Association Agreement
  28. Ghana (West Africa): Stepping stone Economic Partnership Agreement provisionally applied
  29. Grenada (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  30. Guatemala (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  31. Guyana (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  32. Honduras (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  33. Iceland: Economic Area Agreement
  34. Israel: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
  35. Iraq: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
  36. Jamaica (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  37. Japan: Global Agreement
  38. Jordan: Association Agreement
  39. Kazakhstan: Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
  40. Kosovo: Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  41. Lebanon: Association Agreement
  42. Lesotho (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement
  43. Liechtenstein: Economic Area Agreement
  44. Madagascar (ESA): Economic Partnership Agreement
  45. Mauritius (ESA): Economic Partnership Agreement
  46. Mexico: Global Agreement
  47. Moldova: Association Agreement
  48. Montenegro (Western Balkans): Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  49. Morocco: Association Agreement
  50. Mozambique (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement
  51. Namibia (SADC): Economic Partnership Agreement
  52. Nicaragua (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  53. North Macedonia (Western Balkans): Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  54. Norway: Economic Area Agreement
  55. Palestinian Authority: Interim Association Agreement
  56. Panama (Central America): Association Agreement with a strong trade component
  57. Papua New Guinea (with Fiji): Interim Partnership Agreement
  58. Peru (with Colombia and Ecuador): Trade Agreement
  59. Samoa (Pacific): Economic Partnership Agreement
  60. San Marino: Customs Union
  61. Serbia (Western Balkans): Stabilisation and Association Agreement
  62. Seychelles (ESA): Economic Partnership Agreement
  63. Singapore: Free Trade Agreement
  64. Solomon Islands (Pacific): Economic Partnership Agreement
  65. South Africa: Economic Partnership Agreement
  66. South Korea: Free Trade Agreement
  67. St Kitts and Nevis (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  68. St. Lucia (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  69. St Vincent and the Grenadines (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  70. Suriname (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  71. Switzerland: Agreement
  72. Trinidad and Tobago (CARIFORUM): Economic Partnership Agreement
  73. Tunisia: Association Agreement
  74. Turkey: Customs Union
  75. Ukraine: Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement Association Agreement
  76. United Kingdom: Trade and Cooperation Agreement
  77. Vietnam: Free Trade Agreement
  78. Zimbabwe (ESA): Economic Partnership Agreement

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