Today, the EU is facing multiple-crises concurrently. On the one hand, there is a financial crisis which severely shakes the very fundamentals of the European Economic and Monetary Union. On the other hand, the EU is encountering domestic and international legitimacy problems. The EU-US relations are at a very unsatisfactory level; the EU-Russian relations are fragmented and polarizing; the EU-China relations are not pleasing even the minimalists, the EU-Turkey relations have plunged into a standstill. It is really hard to see the EU as normative power that provides creative solutions in the Middle East and North Africa. The EU suffers from the lack of strong, decisive visionary leaders. Not only in the economic sphere but also in the political platforms, there is an obvious coordination and cooperation crisis due to ubiquiteous visionary leadership problem, capable of assessing needs, assessing norms and redefining the global challenges of the world. Real progresses on global challenges demands honest assessment of why some approaches have worked and others have failed and a VISION of how to move forward to craft innovative and collaborative solutions to achieve significant breakthroughs.
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