Submitted by christian on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 18:13
- FDI/Fratelli d’Italia (Italy) : 24 seats
- PiS/Suwerenna Polska/Law and Justice/Sovereign Poland (Poland) : 20 seats
- PNCR/AUR/Romanian National Conservative Party/Alliance for the Union of Romanians (Romania) : 6 seats
- Independent MEPs from France (France): 4 seats
- LNNK/AS/For Fatherland and Freedom (Latvia: 3 seats
- N-VA /New Flemish Alliance(Belgium): 3 seats
- ODS/Civic Democratic Party (Czech Republic): 3 seats
- SD/Sweden Democrats (Sweden): 3 seats
- Greek Solution (Greece) 2 seats
- LLRA - KŠS / LVŽS/Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania-Christian Families Alliance/The Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (Lithuania) : 2 seats
- ADR/Alternative Democratic Reform Party (Luxembourg): 1 seat
- DD/Denmark Democrats (Denmark): 1 seat
- DP/Homeland Movement (Croatia): 1 seat
- ELAM/The National People’s Front (Cyprus): 1 seat
- Independent (Estonia): 1 seat
- ITN/There is such a People (Bulgaria): 1 seat
- PS/Finns Party (Finland): 1 seat
- SGP/Dutch Reformed Party (Netherlands): 1 seat
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