It is  highly unusual for foreign diplomats and political leaders to express concern, even privately, about candidates in the midst of a U.S. presidential campaign. Yet, senior leaders in several European countries have made public comments criticizing Trump’s positions and some have openly endorsed Hillary Clinton. Beside being seen meddling in U.S. domestic politics, the same people should be mindful that they will have to work with whoever wins. Recent history is replete with examples where the world's opinion of a US presidential candidate backfired against those same critics. 

Outside the United States, what is considered one of America's greatest sins is its political meddling in the affairs of other nations. Yet strangely, other nations seem to have no compunction in meddling in the political affairs of Americans. Some have said that because of America's stature in the world, choosing its leader should not be a domestic affair alone. Yet isn’t all politics local? Don't the Europeans have enough domestic problems to contend with without meddling in U.S. elections.

Americans fought long and hard for the right to decide their own destiny. For better or worse, American citizens have chosen their own presidents for nearly 230 years, and they’ve done it without putting a Hitler, a Mussolini, Stalin or Milosevic into power, which is more than Europeans can say.

The following people in Europe have openly endorsed Hillary Clinton


  1. Jean-Claude Juncker (European Commission President supports a female candidate)
  2. Martin Selmayr (Head of Cabinet of Jean Claude Juncker)

Czech Republic

  1. Martina Dlabajova (MEP ALDE)
  2. Bohuslav Sobotka (Prime Minister of the Czech Republic)


  1. Michèle-Alliot  (Former Foreign Affairs Minister)
  2. Norra Berra (Former MEP EPP)
  3. Laurent Fabius (Former Foreign Affairs Minister)
  4. François Hollande (President)
  5. Nicolas Sarkozy (Former President, Presidential Candidate)
  6. Christine Taubira (Former Justice Minister)
  7. Marisol Touraine (Social Affairs Minister)
  8. Manuel Valls (Prime Minister)


  1. Katja Dörner (Alliance ‘90/The Greens)
  2. Sigmar Gabriel (Economy Minister)
  3. Rebecca Harms (MEP Greens/EFA)
  4. Nadia Hirsch (MEP ALDE)
  5. Sven Lehmann (Co-Chair Alliance’90/The Greens North Rhine Westphalia)
  6. Daniel Mack (Alliance’90/The Greens Former Member Hessian Parliament
  7. Angela Merkel (Chancellor praised HC)
  8. Katharina Schulze (Member Landtag of Bavaria (Alliance’90/The Greens)
  9. Manuela Schwesig (Family Affairs Minister)
  10. Frank Walter Steinmeier (Foreign Minister)


  1. Lorraine Higgins (Member Labour Party)


  1. Silvio Berlusconi (Former Prime Minister)
  2. Gianni Pitella (Leader Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Demoicrats)
  3. Matteo Renzi (Prime Minister)


  1. Anna Kingberg Batra (Party Leader Moderate Party)
  2. Carld Bildt (Former Prime Minister)
  3. Jan Björklund (Former Education Minister)
  4. Stefan Löfven (Prime Minister)
  5. Annie Lööf  (Former Enterprise Minister)
  6. Birgitta Ohlsson (Former European Affairs Minister)
  7. Margot Wallström (Foreign Minister)

United Kingdom

  1. Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister)
  2. Simon Burns (Former Transport Minister)
  3. Jeremy Corbyn (Opposition Leader Labour Party)
  4. Margaret Curran (Scotland) (Former Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland)
  5. Seb Dance (MEP S&D)
  6. Gloria De Piero (Shadow Youth Minister 2015-2016)
  7. Angela Eagle (Shadow First Secretary 2015-2016)
  8. Chris Elmore (Member Labour Party)
  9. Julian Fellowes (Member Conservative Party)
  10. Lilian Greenwood (Shadow Transport Secretary 2015-2016)
  11. Diana Johnson (Member Labour Party)
  12. Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London)
  13. Siobhain McDonagh (Member Labour Party)
  14. Louise Mensch (Member Conservative Party)
  15. George Osborne (First Secretary of State 2015-2016)
  16. Rachel Reves (Former Shadow Social Security Secretary (2015-2016)
  17. Owen Smith (Shadow Social Security Secretray 2015-2016)
  18. Karin Smyth (Member Labour Party)
  19. Nicola Sturgeon (First Minister of Scotland)
  20. Catherine West (Member Labour Party)


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