Clients in the closed financial year 2021

  1. Acciaierie d’Italia
  2. ACT- Association of Commercial Television in Europe
  3. AES
  4. Airbus Group
  5. Aquafil
  6. Banijay
  7. CEPI- European Audiovisual Production
  8. CEPIC-Center of the Picture Industry
  9. Denso
  10. EIBF- European and International Booksellers Federation
  11. European Paper Packaging Alliance
  12. EWC- European Writers’ Council
  13. FEP-Federation of European Publishers
  14. FIAD- International Federation of Film Distributors Associations
  15. FIAPF-Fédération international des associations de producteurs de films
  16. FIS Global
  17. FSE- Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
  18. Gulf Aluminum
  19. Hyundai
  20. ICMP- International Confederation of Music Publishers
  21. IEVA
  22. IMPALA- Independent Music Companies Association
  23. ISFE-Interactive Software Federation of Europe
  24. Itelyum Regenration
  25. IVF- International Video Federation
  26. Japan External Trade Organization
  27. La Ligue Française de Football
  28. LaLiga- Liga Nacional de Fútbol profesional
  29. LVMH
  30. Marconi
  31. Mediapro
  32. MPA- Motion Picture Association
  33. Premier League
  34. Principality of Monaco
  35. Samsung SDI
  36. Serred
  37. UNIC- International Union of Cinemas
  38. VAUNET- Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien e.V.
  39. Zalando

Clients in the current financial year

  1. Acciaierie d’Italia
  2. ACT-Association of Commercial Television in Europe
  3. AES
  4. Airbus Group
  5. Amazon Europe Core
  6. Banijay
  7. CEPI- European Audiovisual Production
  8. CEPIC-Center of the Picture Industry
  9. Denso
  10. EIBF- European and International Booksellers Federation
  11. EWC- European Writers’ Council
  12. FEP- Federation of European Publishers
  13. FIAD- International Federation of Film Distributors Associations
  14. FIAPF- Fédération internationale des associations de producteurs de films
  15. FIS Global
  16. FSE-Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
  17. Hyundai
  18. ICMP- International Confederation of Music Publishers
  19. IEVA
  20. IMPALA- Independent Music Companies Association
  21. ISFE- Interactive Software Federation of Europe
  22. Itelyum Regenration
  23. IVF-International Video Federation
  24. Japan External Trade Organization
  25. La Ligue Française de Football
  26. LaLiga- Liga Nacional de Fútbol profesional
  27. LVMH
  28. Marconi
  29. Mediapro
  30. MPA- Motion Picture Association
  31. Premier League
  32. Principality of Monaco
  33. Reti Televisive Italiane
  34. Samsung SDI
  35. Serred
  36. UNIC-International Union of Cinemas
  37. VAUNET- Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien e.V.

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