Austerity measures that are implemented to reduce deficits does not revive struggling economies. How is a shrinking or stagnant economy supposed to grow when the people actually trying to survive in that economy are being punished with further economic hardship? What drives economic growth is demand but the austerity measures suppress demand and structural reform focuses too much on supply. Austerity measures are self-defeating, because if output continues to contract, deficit and debt ratios will continue to rise to unsustainable levels. Moreover, the social and political backlash eventually will become overwhelming.

Look at how austerity measures are wrecking economies and people:

  • Failing industrial output; 
  • Shrinking or stagnant economy;
  • Debt is growing;
  • Record unemployment which includes the majority of young workers
  • Rise in emigration (people are leaving the country);
  • Homelessness;
  • Health decline and suicides going up
  • Social backlash etc...

In Europe, we are witnessing macroeconomic malpractice on a historic scale, and there is no excuse for the unnessary suffering it is causing.


Raise the tax on organizations that don't invest and lower the tax on organizations that DO INVEST and DO CREATE JOBS.


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