As of July 13 2013, our website (aalep.eu)  is currently ranked #18,823,895 in the World among over 30 million websites based on Alexa Traffic Ranking.

What is remarkable, however, is that we’ve attained a traffic rank of 3,245 among users in Belgium, where 94% of our audience is located. And among Brussels users the site is relatively popular since it is ranked 652.

According to Updowner.com, our website is visited by 8,380 global internet users every month. The average user spends about 9 minutes on AALEP's website daily. Traffic on AALEP maintains an upward trend. In the last 90 days traffic has registered an increase of 1,675 users.

AALEP's website is on 814th position in Updowner.com's fastest growing sites ranking.

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