Henna Virkunen, Executive Vice-President

  1. Guide the work to strengthen operational capabilities for border management and respond to threats at the EU’s external borders, working closely with member states
  2. Implementing the Pact on Asylum and Migration.
  3. Strengthen area of freedom, security and justice
  4. Strengthen internal security
  5. European Democracy Shield
  6. Strengthen approach to the rule of law in areas such as judicial independence, anti-corruption, media freedom
  7. Bringing the European Defence Union to life
  8. Drive our defence industrial competitiveness
  9. High standards of cybersecurity
  10. Strengthen digital competitiveness
  11. Boost productivity with digital tech.

Digital and frontier technologies

  1. Path toward reaching Europe’s 2030 Digital Decade targets
  2. Boosting Artificial Intelligence innovation
  3. AI Factories Initiative
  4. Apply AI Strategy
  5. Set up a European AI Research Council
  6. Efforts and investments concerning the next wave of frontier technologies
  7. Develop an EU Cloud and AI Development Act
  8. Develop a single EU-wide cloud policy
  9. Chips Act and develop a long-term EU Quantum Chips plan.
  10. Improve access to secure, fast and reliable connectivity
  11. Work on a new Digital Networks Act
  12. Strengthen cybersecurity
  13. Implementation of the European Digital Rulebook
  14. Needs and constrains of SMEs and small midcaps
  15. Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act
  16. Contribute on work on disinformation as part of the European Democracy Shield
  17. Deploy digital public infrastructure making the most of the EU wallet.
  18. Present a European Data Union Strategy
  19. Tackle challenges with e-commerce platforms.
  20. Help combat unethical techniques online
  21. Contribute to the EU-wide enquiry on the impacts of social media and the action plan against cyberbullying
  22. Approach to the media which recognizes its unique place in our democracies and culture, and supporting its commercial development.
  23. Improve the copyright framework.
  24. Promote EU digital norms and standards internationally particularly for AI and cybersecurity.
  25. Ensure that the Commission becomes more resilient to cybersecurity threats.
  26. Accelerate the digitalization of the Commission.


  • Work with the Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy to boost productivity with digital tech.
  • Work with the Commissioner for International Partnerships to support Global Gateway projects in partner countries such a trustworthy digital communications network
  • Work with the Directorate-General for Communications Network, Content and Technology
  • Work with the Directorate-General for Digital Services to support your work on the digital and frontier technologies portfolio.  


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